Welcome to my Castle!!


Hi, my name is Alison.  To my best friends my name is Alison (click here to see a picture), to my worst enemies it is a name I rather not post on the internet  :o)  Well, just like all people I have many interests, however, I am sure you don't care too much, just kidding.  Nonetheless I hope to provide an interesting site where my favorite things can also become your favorite things, and a place where we could exchange our ideas and dreams.  So welcome to my own private castle, may it make you find your own in your own home...


   I have many different interests, thus a lot to cover in one web page.  So I've divided into topics.

For some Personal Info on Me and My friends, Click!

For some Romance Novel info, including Favorite Authors and their books Click!

For info on some of my Favorite Men including Actors and Bands Click!

For Movie info and some reviews of my favorite types of Movies Click!



Well, that's all for now....  Feel free to email me!!



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