Hi! My name is Jennifer. This is my first crack at a web site, so be patient . . . things are being added all the time! On this page, you can find out a bunch of stuff about me by looking at my pictures or even just by visiting my favorite sites! All of the new additions will always be listed at the top of the page! I plan on adding a page with all of my friend's sites on it too! So stick around for a little while and Enjoy! |
My newest addition to this page is my friend Laura's Austin Powers Party. She always over does it a little, but hey - - she is always looking to make her friends feel at home and have a good time at her place! Just click on either of he "new" signs on this page! *smile* |
Links to my other pages. |
My Florida vacation (pictues too!) |
Pictures of my friends |
My sister's cats! |
Pictures from my Las Vegas Vacation |
My sister's Wedding - April 1, 2000 |
Pictures of some of the people in my family |
Laura's Halloween Party |
Sites I visit most |
Dogpile -- My favorite search engine! |
Disney -- I love anything Disney -- Tigger is best! |
Marywood University -- the school I graduated from in May 1999 |
Sony.com -- You can playonline jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune! |
Uproar.com -- a place to play some cool on-line games |
Freecenter.com -- the best place to find free stuff |
Comedy Central -- South Park is hysterical! |
Hershey -- The best place to get every chocolate recipe imaginable! |
Thanks for taking the time to visit my web site! You have been visitor number |
E-mail Me! |
View My Slambook |
Sign My Slambook |
biddy719@adelphia.net |
VERY IMPORTANT - I don't know how many times my email address appears on this site because it is so big, but my email address has changed (after 10 years) to the one listed above!!!! I will get no email sent to AOL! |