Hey there! My name is Annette Miller. Hope you like my site...explore and enjoy! If you want to contact me send me some airmail:
Here is a little about me:
As you might have guessed I am an aviation buff, to put it mildly. Aviation is my life. I graduated from Parks College of St. Louis University in 1996 with a degree in Aviation Managment, and currently work for the City of St. Louis in Airport Operations at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport. I am also a graduate student at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. I am about two semesters away from obtaining my MBA with a concentration in international business.

Originally, I am from Upstate NY, a town called Plattsburgh. It is about 45 minutes from of Lake Placid where the 1981 Winter Olympics were held. I miss the mountains terribly, and visit as often as I can. Here is some information about the
Adirondack mountains where I grew up.
Other misc. pictures
My crazy dog!
My family!
Mardi Gras pictures are now here! Click here for more information about the Soulard neighborhood.
These are a few of my favorite websites
Website created for MSIS 480 @ UMSL
Url: http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Square/3444
Page Owner:
Annette Miller (AMiller74@hotmail.com)
Last Modified: February 1999