
Here you can create
your own web address. I use this service, and my site on Geocities
can be found by going to http://greymole.n3.net
This service points that web address to /greymole
Isn't that cool! You get to manage your addresses, and keep one
simple web address so if you ever change the location of your web
page, all you have to do is update where your created web address
points to. This is a must have for anyone that creates personal web
pages, or wants to host their own web pages (especially if you have
an always on connection to the internet such as a cable modem). |
- Create multiple web addresses.
- Instantly use a web address after creating it.
- Shorten your computer's internet name if you host pages on your
personal computer (mine was http://cmc3099986-a.brkngs1.sd.home.com/)
- There are 4 different types of "hostname
types" and I'm not sure what the difference for each
one is, but use the AtHome Host to point to an address
like http://www.geocities.com/greymole
Web Server 
If the link does not work search yahoo for "Savant Web
Server" |
This is
a must have for any web page builder enthusiast. This program is a
server that runs on your Windows ME/98/95 and probably other
platforms (see web site for more details). It is very easy to
install and run. It lets you use CGI and PERL to create more dynamic
web pages. One important use I can think of is when I remodeled the
Greymole web site. I built it all on my personal computer and tested
it using my own server. This way, I did not have to touch any of my
files that were on the Geocities site. When I was done creating all
the new pages, I moved all the old ones to my computer, then moved
all the new ones (which were tested on my server on my computer)
over to the Geocities site. |
- Your own personal HTTP server.
- Test web pages before publishing them.
- CGI and PERL usability.
- Serve (publish to the web on the Savant Server) any
folder on your computer without moving the original
- Open source project.
- Easily password protect pages.
- Good documentation (step by step getting started)
- Good GUI (Graphical User Interface).
- Could not find a way to make Coldfusion
Server run with the Savant Server (Coldfusion lets you
access databases to create dynamic pages) This is a
personal 'wish.'
If the link does not work, go to www.cnet.com
and look for the link at the bottom of the page.
This is a free service from
CNET.COM. This web page calculates the speed at which your modem is
operating at. Then displays a nice graph comparing to other types of
modems available. Note, the speed it shows is the speed your modem
obtained while on their site. This can be a false indicator because
the speed of a modem is not constant, and it varies widely depending
on what site you are on, number of users using the same ISP as you
etc. |
This is a service from Yahoo!
that lets you create web pages and allots you 15,000,000 bites (15
MB which is quite a bit) of free web space. Currently I'm only using
about 4.7 MB of my space (July 29, 2001). Geocities has a few
different ways for you to create your web pages. You don't have to
know anything about HTML (if you are asking what is HTML, then this
is a great site for you to build web pages). They have what they
call Yahoo! Page Builder which uses a "Microsoft
Word" type environment for creating web pages. Very easy to
learn. Geocities also has two HTML editors. The first one is a basic
HTML editor which lets you fill out a form and then it creates your
web page...very basic. The other is also a form, but it is just one
big text box and you put the entire HTML code in it. All of
these methods require you to be connected to the internet to edit
the pages. You can also FTP them using an FTP program or even using
Internet Explorer by going to ftp://ftp.geocities.com
(note the ftp:// and not the http://)
Another way is to use Microsoft Front Page. Front Page is a program
used to create web pages, and I recommend using it, if you can, in
conjunction with Geocities.com. If you do create a web site on
Geocities, you should then look at DHS.ORG above. |
- Make your own free web pages.
- Excellent [online] page editor. (No HTML)
- FTP uploading (also can use the Front Page Publish)
- Front Page Compatible
- Upload area in Geocities to upload pages using an
internet form interface.
- Advertisement on all the pages you create (just look at
the top right corner of any of my pages)
This is an FTP server. I have
just recently started using it but here is what I have to say. After
about 10 minutes going thru the [not very good or plentiful, but
enough] tutorial, I can upload and download files from my FTP server
using an Internet Explorer web browser. |