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Hello, I'm a Gimp can I shag your wife

Since 29/01/99


Stephen's Homepage

Click on Neil to view the Photo Gallery of the people in my flat and there profiles.

Little Dave

Click on Tony to View Photo Gallery Two plus more profiles.

Click on the can of Baked Beans to view Neils Health tips

Mit G-String

Click on the son of the Devil to view a Photo Gallery of my friends back home

Big Gay Jorge

Click on the smiling face to find out about me

Click on Manus to find out how
insane our friends are

Starvin Tony

Click on Big Neil reading his Mayfair magazine to see a step by step acount of Freeboy Pissed.

Rossy making a mess in the kitchen as James looks on.

Click on Rossy's Head to see a comparison between him and Jimmy from Quadrophenia

Ian during his TV apperance

Click on James Guion Cleaning to go to
his web page

Trinity House C

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