That's Andrew. Or as Courtney calls him, "Andyroo." (Just because she put "Andrew," and "Andy," together...and that's her new name for him.) Hmm...what else is there to say about Andrew? Oh, I know... he has this problem... when he walks, every joint in his body cracks. I swear, you can hear him coming from a mile away. Oh yeah...and he is always the Hero in our dreams. (...sigh; :P ) Once, I dreamed that our friend Nate died and Andyroo was there saying that "everything's gonna be alright." (Rock-a-Bye?) Because that's how I think he'd be in real life. Then, Courtney dreamed that she was really sick in the hospital and Andyroo was there making it all ok...NOT THAT WAY YOU SICK-O. Anyway... Andrew is just an all around great guy and we love him.
OH...and his girlfriend, Jen, is graduating this year. (1998) We still need to get a picture of her to put up here. She makes fun of the hootchies with us...and compares chapstick flavors with Courtney. She just had a really neat art show here...we liked the teapots...and we wish her luck next year...since we won't be seeing her that often. ...sigh; We'll have no one to stand on the steps with. We'll miss her a lot;
And then there were 3.......
Yup...I have to put up new pictures from
this year. Ken and Kevin are the Joe and Scott replacements.
So they'll be up here. Geez...and their house is all weird; the hootchies
are gone. (Well...the old ones, anyway.) So this page will
be a work in progress;
And then there were none.
This year, (2000) strangers are living in the 'beast house.' I walk
by it sometimes and wave. Sometimes I have nightmares about it falling
over (since it's leaning toward the right) or burning down (because it's been
soaked in alcohol.) I miss the gross couch, and the sticky floors, and the
puddles of beer, and the railings slowly disappearing from the steps leading
upstairs, and the water/beer fights that trashed the house (because we gave boys
water guns and it got out of control. PS...sorry about that.) I miss
being a coaster, and having to move when someone wanted to go upstairs, and
watching the hootchies and or freaks get completely trashed. I think I
just miss all of them being together like brothers;
is James. (Or as he now wants to be called, "Pimpin' J;" or "nigga' please.") I think
he took the longest to warm up to us. We DO have weird things that we do. But that's BESIDES the point. I think he
tolerates us now. He's my babysitter when Courtney goes home. He invites
me to sit at his table, and it makes me happy. He always seems worried about our happiness. (Even though I can
amuse myself at dinner...quite's still nice of him.) Courtney thinks he's funny as hell, and has an enormously large cock.
Since Courtney is now a 'doin' it machine. She's allowed to say things
like that. (But it still confuses me...because she wouldn't know. NOT TO WORRY!) Geeze...don't get all excited out there! (Nah...kidding...she's just elaborating on Nate's thoughts.) James is also the one that puts up the "missing Joe hotline" when Joe leaves for Atlanta... and doesn't reappear on time....or call to say he's going to be late...or E-MAIL anyone...
(oh well. That's a damn shame.)
Joe...on the right. (He was the house homo...)
We end up telling him everything...for no reason. Sadly. He sleeps on our floor...every Wednesday, and he wakes up in the middle of the night playing "Mission Impossible." (He has episodes in his sleep...and sometimes freaks out on living, and non-living
things. Like when he's drunk. However, when he's drunk, he hits his
friends with his eyes open.) He has dreams of a life after
college. We'll see. He plans on going to Atlanta. That means he won't be able to WIN beer pong with Courtney...or play "Mission Impossible"
(consciously) in the grove with us. Oh well. Life goes on.
That's Nate. He gave us a chance...even after hearing my laugh...and pretending to like it...or at least
tolerate it. (But I AM over it...) He's a nice guy...(most of the time!) but he has a tendency to get himself into "situations" that he can't always get out of that easily. Usually involving girls...and obsessions...and dealing with those obsessions... on one side or the other. He's one of those people that everyone knows around school...and a good number of 15 year-old girls know him (for some reason) as well. He's a really
funny guy. (Even though he's incapable of having a normal conversation! Kidding...I'm...KIDDING. He just gives looks while he talks...instead of saying everything.) He has a site about the cartoon
girls he wants to nail. Weird; But we wouldn't have it
any other way. :P Oh...and Sarah McLoughlin, my friend that's
not the singer, says that he's her super hero.
is Scott. (He's not touching Lauren's butt in this just looks that way.) He likes to pretend that Courtney and I are lesbians...because he never sees us apart. When he's REALLY drunk...he makes up raps about us. "Rachel and Courtney...laughing girls" He is also graduating this year... it "flabberghasts" us. We didn't really get to know Scott until recently; So we're sad about that. However...since he's going to be a pychologist, we'll have plenty of time to get to know
him in the future. HahahahaNO.