The Springsteen Mp3 Depot

As an avid Springsteen Fan and Mp3 Collector, it's my
mission to offer the internet community a source of rare,
high-quality Springsteen Mp3's. Presently, I plan to start
with a few choice cuts and add more as I acquire the space--and
as my Bruceleg collection grows (donations gladly accepted!).
Stay tuned for details!
~David Holzmer, Webmaster

Two Hearts In True Waltz Time 3:29 (128kbps/44kHz) 3.30mbīs

Get That Feeling 3.25(128kbps/44kHz) 3.28mbīs

Adam Raised A Cane (Acoustic~Joad Tour~Sydney Night) 3.56 (128kbps/44kHz) 3.78mbīs

Point Blank (Acoustic~Joad Tour~Sydney Night) 4:43(128kbps/44kHz) 4.12mbīs

Racing In The Street (Acoustic~Joad Tour~Asbury Park Night) 6:54(128kbps/44kHz) 6.48mbīs

Files are in Mp3 format with a ZIP extension.
Simply rename the extension when downloading and play away!
Please delete them 24hours after downloading.

Last update May 23, 1999.

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