My name is Sunny Jo (Sonja Sun Johnsen) and I am a recent graduate from Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada.
I hold a B.A. with a major in communication, and a minor in sociology.
School of Communication
Communication is central to the human experience and a vital part of every aspect of life. Study in acoustic communication; advertising and social marketing; applied communication research; communication policy; media and information technology; history and theory of communication;
international communication and development; journalism and news media analysis; mass media/popular culture; political communication; political economy of communication; publishing. Minor program in Publishing, joint majors in Business Administration, Latin American Studies, Sociology and
Anthropology. Career as government researcher, policy researcher,
telecommunications policy analyst, public relations officer, newspaper columnist, marketing and promotions manager, copywriter, communications co-ordinator.
Are you interested in knowing more about the world
we live in? Why are some people poor and others
rich? What are the differences between men and
women? How does culture shape our ideas? What are
the causes, and solutions to social problems in
today's society?
If, for example, we want to understand what leads some people to heroin addiction, sociologists and anthropologists ask questions like: What are the daily lives of addicts really like? How is this life style experienced differently by men and women? What are the answers that media, filmmakers, law enforcement, policy makers, social scientists, and the addicts themselves offer to these questions? What can we learn from watching and analyzing films like Trainspotting?
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology invites you to join us in our explorations of these questions that we study in a variety of ways: through reading books, watching films, listening to guest speakers, doing research, and participating in class discussions.
These are the courses I have taken so far.
But most of my time I spend on the internet, yes, I am a webneck.
I am also a member of SFU Hillel, the Jewish students' association here at SFU, a part of Vancouver Hillel, and the int'l foundation
Hillel .
One of the reasons why I joined Hillel is my interest in the Holocaust.
Links to other sites on the Web
Vancouver Hillel
Simon Fraser University
Sunny's Webneck page