Offiliated with Louisiana State University only as students.
The LSU Joust Squad homepage is made with 100% recycled marble graphics.
"oversized chuckle suppository for the chronically unamused"


The Louisiana State University Jousting Squad:

#8 Lauren Ripken
#1 Jack Powers
#12 Edward McMahon
#22 Tyree Davis
#45 Sean Patrick ~ Captain
#56 Will Danya ~ Asst. Captain

Squires~Scott Alexander, Roddy Denis
You are visitor #
since January 8, 1999.
Please sign the guestbook.
LSU Joust Squad Mission Statement
To jest and joust to the best to our ability when called to do so.To join in merriment where ever merriment is, and to generate as much merriment as possible.To be a bunch of sarcastic bastards. To uphold the laws in our constitution. To destroy the desepticon forces atempting to destroy the world.
This is where the LSU Joust team would like to live.
This is where the LSU Joust team does live.
LSU Joust Squad News
We are on a hot 12 match winning streak, because we are all winners.To join as an honorary member send an e-mail pleading your case to:lsujoust@geocities.com Your application is subject to review, and we can make fun of you.
Please visit our member's pages. This is a chance for our members to tell you what they really like.
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