Brandon A. Gaudiano, Ph.D.





1.      Gaudiano, B. A., & Statler, M. A. (1999). The role of driver's race and victim status in attributions toward drunk drivers. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 4(1), 12-18.


2.      Gaudiano, B. A., & Herbert, J. D. (2000). Can we really tap away our problems? A critical analysis of Thought Field Therapy. Skeptical Inquirer, 24(4), 29-33, 36.


3.      Gaudiano, B. A., & Statler, M. A. (2001). The scientist-practitioner gap and graduate education: Integrating perspectives and looking forward. The Clinical Psychologist, 54(4), 12-18.


4.      Evans, D. L., Herbert, J. D., Nelson-Gray, R. O., & Gaudiano, B. A. (2002). Determinants of diagnostic prototypicality judgments of the personality disorders. Journal of Personality Disorders, 16, 95-106.


5.      Herbert, J. D., Sharp, I. R., & Gaudiano, B. A. (2002). Separating fact from fiction in the etiology and treatment of autism: A scientific review of the evidence. The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice, 1, 23-43.


6.      Gaudiano, B. A. (2002). EMDR and the media: Is change in the wind? The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice, 1, 201-203.


7.      Gaudiano, B. A., & Herbert, J. D. (2003). Preliminary psychometric evaluation of a new self-efficacy scale and its relationship to treatment outcome in Social Anxiety Disorder. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 27, 537-555.


8.      Gaudiano, B. A., & Herbert, J. D. (2003). The antidepressant-placebo debate in the media: Balanced coverage or placebo hype? The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice, 2, 74-77.


9.      Herbert, J. D., Rheingold, A. A., Gaudiano, B. A., & Myers, V. H. (2004). Standard versus extended cognitive behavior therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder: A randomized-controlled trial. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 32, 131-147.


10.  Gaudiano, B. A., Beevers, C.G., & Miller, I. W. (2005). Differential response to combined treatment in patients with psychotic versus nonpsychotic major depression. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 193, 625-628.


11.  Herbert, J. D., Gaudiano, B. A., Rheingold, A.A., Myers, V. H., Dalrymple, K. L., & Nolan, B. M. (2005). Social skills training augments the effectiveness of cognitive behavior group therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder. Behavior Therapy, 36, 125-138.


12.  Gaudiano, B. A., & Miller, I. W. (2005). Anxiety disorder comorbidity in Bipolar I Disorder: Relationship to depression severity and treatment outcome. Depression and Anxiety, 21, 71-77.


13.  Herbert, J. D., & Gaudiano, B. A. (2005). Moving from empirically supported treatment lists to practice guidelines in psychotherapy: The role of the placebo concept. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61, 893-908.


14.  Gaudiano, B. A. (2005). Cognitive behavior therapies for psychotic disorders: Current empirical status and future directions. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 12, 33-50.


15.  Gaudiano, B. A., & Herbert, J. D. (2005). Methodological issues in clinical trials of antidepressant medications: Perspectives from psychotherapy outcome research. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 74, 17-25.


16.  Gaudiano, B. A. (2006). Is symptomatic improvement in clinical trials of cognitive behavior therapy for psychosis clinically significant? Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 12, 11-23.


17.  Gaudiano, B. A., & Herbert, J. D. (2006). Acute treatment of inpatients with psychotic symptoms using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Pilot results. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44, 415-437.


18.  Gaudiano, B. A., & Miller, I. W. (2006). Patients’ expectancies, the alliance in pharmacotherapy, and treatment outcomes in Bipolar Disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74, 671-676.


19.  Gaudiano, B. A., & Herbert, J. D. (2006). Believability of hallucinations as a potential mediator of the relationship between their frequency and associated distress in psychotic inpatients. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 34, 497–502.


20.  Dalrymple, K. L., Herbert, J. D., & Gaudiano, B. A. (in press). Onset of illness and developmental factors in Social Anxiety Disorder: Preliminary findings from a retrospective interview. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.


21.  Gaudiano, B. A., & Herbert, J. D. (in press). Self-efficacy for social situations in adolescents with generalized Social Anxiety Disorder. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy.


22.  Gaudiano, B. A., & Epstein-Lubow, G. (in press). Controversies about antidepressants and the promotion of evidence-based treatment alternatives for depression. The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice.


23.  Gaudiano, B. A., Uebelacker, L. A., & Miller, I. W. (in press). Longitudinal course of psychotic mania: Is mood incongruence important? The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.


24.  Gaudiano, B. A., Miller, I. W., & Herbert, J. D. (in press). The treatment of psychotic major depression: Is there a role for adjunctive psychotherapy? Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics.





1.      Gaudiano, B. A., & Herbert, J. D. (2000). Reply to Callahan [Letter to the editor]. Skeptical Inquirer, 24(6), 62.


2.      Herbert, J. D., & Gaudiano, B. A. (2001). The search for the Holy Grail: Heart rate variability and Thought Field Therapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57, 1207-1214.


3.      Gaudiano, B., & Herbert, J. (2001). Tips for designing a web site to promote your research program/clinical services. Anxiety Disorders: A Quarterly Report, 1(1), 4-5.


4.      Gaudiano, B. (2001). APA non sequiturs [Letter to the editor]. Monitor on Psychology, 33(1), 10.


5.      Gaudiano, B. A., Osman, D., Boylan, C., & Herbert, J. D. (2001, December). Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy for psychotic disorders: Pilot results and lessons learned. Cognitive Approaches to Schizophrenia Newsletter, 3, 5-7.


6.      Gaudiano, B. A. (2002). [Review of the book From social anxiety to social phobia: Multiple perspectives]. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 9, 230-231.


7.      Gaudiano, B. A. (2002). Examining philosophical counseling…Old wine in new bottles? [Review of the book Plato, not Prozac!]. The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice, 1, 82-84.


8.      Gaudiano, B. A., & Dalrymple, K. L. (2002). Reconsidering prescription privileges for psychologists. APAGS Newsletter, 14(1), 39-40.


9.      Gaudiano, B. A. (2002). New developments in the Thought Field Therapy saga. Skeptical Inquirer, 26(2), 7-8.


10.  Gaudiano, B. A. (2003, Dec. 28). Therapy maze can be depressing. Los Angeles Times, M5.


11.  Gaudiano, B. A. (2003). Would an AABT by just any other name smell as sweet? the Behavior Therapist, 26(7), 370-371.


12.  Gaudiano, B. A. (2003). Service connection for PTSD is not a gender issue: Comment on Murdoch et al. [Letter to the editor]. Medical Care, 41, 1417.


13.  Cardaciotto, L., Herbert, J. D., Gaudiano, B. A., Nolan, E. M., Dalrymple, K. L. (2003). Treating Social Anxiety Disorder with cognitive behavior therapy in the context of Asperger's Syndrome: A single-subject report. Autism and Related Developmental Disorders, 19(1), 1-3.


14.  Gaudiano, B. A. (2003). The disease of pseudoscience and the hope for a cure [Review of the book Science and pseudoscience in clinical psychology]. Skeptical Inquirer, 27(4), 48-49.


15.  Herbert, J. D., & Gaudiano, B. A. (2005). Introduction to the special issue on the placebo concept in psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61, 787-790.


16.  Gaudiano, B. A., & Dalrymple, K. L. (2005). EMDR variants, pseudoscience, and the demise of empirically supported treatments?  [Review of the book Psychotherapeutic interventions for emotion regulation: EMDR and bilateral stimulation for affect management]. PsycCRITIQUES—Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 50(8), Article 11.


17.  Gaudiano, B. A. (2006). The “third wave” behavior therapies in context [Review of Hayes et al.’s (2004) Mindfulness and acceptance: Expanding the cognitive-behavioral tradition and Hayes and Strosahl’s (2004) A practical guide to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy]. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 13, 101-104.


18.  Bach, P., Gaudiano, B. A., Pankey, J., Herbert, J. D., & Hayes, S. C. (2006). Acceptance, mindfulness, values, and psychosis: Applying ACT to the chronically mentally ill. In R. A. Baer (Ed.), Mindfulness-based treatment approaches: Clinician’s guide to evidence base and application (pp. 93-116). San Diego: Academic Press.


19.  Gaudiano, B. A. (2006). Cognitive-behavioral treatments for schizophrenia: The state of the art and the evidence. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 2, 1-11.


20.  Gaudiano, B. A. (2006). Review: Cognitive behavioural therapy for depression, panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder: A meta-regression of factors that may predict outcome. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 9, 80.


21.  Gaudiano, B. (in press). [Selected Listserv excerpts]. In D. Chantry (Ed.), TALKING ACT: Dialogues from the new contextual psychology community on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Context Press: Reno, NV.


22.  Gaudiano, B. (in press). [Review of the book The bipolar handbook: Real-life questions with up-to-date answers]. Psychiatric Times.



Copyright © 2001-2006 Brandon Gaudiano