Welcome to Christy Bannon's webpage
It mightn't be the best but it'll do for a start.I'd appreciate any comments good or bad from anybody at all so scroll down to the end and click away so you can mail me and give me a few hints or whatever.
Most of you want to see the photo's I have so click around and view to your hearts content.
Old Gallery
New Gallery
Family pics
Scotland pics
Some pics of friends
About me etc...
The Long Awaited Doolin pissup photos
Me in work with some wasters
The Gang in Work
Any comments, be they Good, Bad or Indifferent click below to mail me
This Site is under Frustration aswell as Construction
Ok ok I've been away from my desk in Intel a few years now and haven't done a thing with this web site and I know this upsets some people so I promise that from now on I'll make very few changes very slowly from now on....
And especially for my friend Damien Lynch and all his friends in Enterprise rent a car damien speaking.. or at least that's what said when you ring the place who I know want to see a few pictures of us in our prime! Look around the different photo pages or this one is myself in my prime (long time ago!)
Click here
Terms and condidtions apply
You know, I wasn't always the ugly lump I am now,jaysus at one time I had potential, What do ya think!