are our Rules

To protect
people from abuse there are certain rules that the user MUST respect.
No "commercials",
i.e., telling people to join a certain channel or visit a web-site.
Don't ask for
ops status (+o), you won't get it.
Don't argue
with the operators, their word counts.If you feel you have been banned
by mistake, take it up with the operators, and keep it nice and polite.
No questions
relating to asl allowed on the channel. If you want to know how old someone
is, ask them in private.
No repulsive
or offensive language allowed on the channel.No capitals allowed because
it is considered rude to shout on the channel.
No "Dumping"
a lot of text to the channel.
No Harrassing
another user. Harassment is defined as behavior towards another user with
the purpose of annoying them.
If you
can't live with the rules, then you don't belong in this channel.
