About Myself
Hello there, let me introduce myself. I am Wai Meng, a Singaporean currently studying at University College London. Specializing in Geography, I am in my final year of my course. I am now into the urban and human geography of the world around us.
I am also a Christian, and those who have taken a look at my website selections in the frontpage will notice that as well. I am a non-denominational Christian who attends an Anglican Church in London - All Souls' Church. Lately however, I have been visiting other churches, not because I am feeling lazy to go to All Souls, or that All Souls' teaching is inadequate. My main reason is because of the fact that I attend a charismatic church back in Singapore and I find that I need to have a continuity throughout my stay in UK. I am brought up in an Anglican environment throughout my education years, which probably explains why I feel more comfortable with Anglican practices.
I am always hyper-active with computers, even during my school vacations. One can always find me around the mailing lists that I subscribe to. At the moment however, I am rather tied up with a lot of work to do. So there you are, no more time to surf the Net for a longer period of time.
I am diving into my final year dissertation not so much with zeal but with a quest for knowledge. My dissertation topic is on the transport network of Singapore and I am using Geographic Information Systems to work on a model that I have developed myself. It is nothing fantastic nor is it really great. What makes it plausible is that the model I am working on is on the electronic road pricing scheme implemented in Singapore just this year. As such, it is a refreshing and interesting topic that I myself have conveyed to my tutor and examiners. My tutor thinks that this is a great topic, but to myself, it is the hard work that I have to put in that takes away some of the interest. In fact, I have to thank God because I lost my data twice and I managed to persevere on. Thanks to God too for allowing me to to have access to government digital data so that I need not digitise any maps for myself, and yet am able to have access to updated maps and information. If you are interested in what I am doing, feel free to email me below.
There is nothing much I can say about myself really, because either you know me or you have to write or email to me before you can know me. However I can tell you that I am a fairly literary person who tries to delve into literary stuff and get involved in stuff as often as possible, although I tend to have a tendency to shut myself up sometimes. Also, I am more interested in music rather than videos, and have an interest for computing rather than soccer. Even till now I must confess that whatever Manchester United or Liverpool or Arsenal formation it is, I am at a loss of words. You can always find me hanging around the computers and libraries more than around a football field for instance. I like exploration too, although I have been to a few places only.
Anyone who has an interest in joining me for anything to anywhere in London or somewhere in Europe can always try to write to me!
Perhaps you can know more about me by writing to me, or you can try looking at some of the sites I have in the front page, so that you can search for information, and at the same time, analyze what kind of person am I.
There is an interesting site called Six Degrees, which tries to find out the relationships between people and how everybody is related to somebody at a particular point. You try that for yourself and see the results. They propose that a person is related to another person by links through 6 people.
Some links that I like in particular
I have never put up these links in the front page, because they are links that are not always popular with people. Some of them refer to news, some of them refer to debates. Whatever it is, I am sure that someone out there will enjoy it.
My College Web Pages
University College London
University College London Geography Department
University College London Webpage Creation Manual
And this is my alma mater in Singapore
Hwa Chong Junior College
St Andrews' Secondary School

These are some of the favourite sites that I dip into for some current debates concerning Christianity
The Lutherian Answer to Free Will
A debate on the link between climate change and the Bible through a skull
Debate on Creationism, Evolution and Other Controversial Christian Theologies
Any Questions you cannot answer?
Issues that make Christians Squirm
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