Jason will provide you with the information, analysis and resources needed, to awaken from the propoganda-induced coma of American existence. |
I'm not sure who this is addressed to, because no one visits my site, but, what the heck:
I have made the decision to move this site into a specific direction, offering analysis and resources regarding contemporary social, economic and political issues of the national, and international, nature. This shift wil take time to complete, as I re-organize the format and gather subject matter. Until this process is complete, I will simply offer a little information about my personal life and links to essays, articles and other referential resources. I realize that patience is a highly valuable comodity, not easily bought by a 'personal' website, but please exert the minimal effort it takes to scroll down this page--you may find something interesting or horrid (please provide comments regarding either at "Whats On Your Mind?".
Click on the image below to view a summary of the events and significant changes, arranged as a pseudo-timeline, that have occured within my existence since my last update (8/2000):
If you have a wonderous revelation about yourself, life, my website, me, or anything else within the cosmos (or possibly beyond it) please navigate your mouse to "Whats On Your Mind?"
Have you grown weary of the sentimental Soviet-style journalism of CNN, MSNBC, and to the greatest, and most vomit-inducing extent, Fox News? Well then, I have the perfect solution for you! The internet provides an unconsolidated forum for alternative, euphemistic for legitimate, sources of information about contemporary social, economic, cultural and political issues. So, if you consider "Bush Optimistic About U.S. Economy" not to be news, then I encourage you to explore the following resources:
- BuzzFlash - This site provides a diverse array of links to current headlines, commentary and analysis from a variety of publications, pundits and media.
- What Really Happened? - Similiar to BuzzFlash, but provides a more comprehensive spectrum of opinions, if not a much more cynical and skeptical format. This site is in itself a directory to independent voices/resources for the inquiring mind. Essential.
- Democratic Underground - Often satirical, liberal commentary on relevant issues, and the ongoing antics of Republicans. You absolutely must begin your Monday by reading the weekly synopsis of the Top Ten Conservative Idiots; also includes message boards and chat room features.
- BartCop - He's an apologetic liberal, pissed off, hilarious, and is actually taking the neccessary steps in order to let his populist voice be heard. Instead of being limited to the internet medium, BartCop is seeking to bring his aggressive punditry to the airwaves. BartCop is a political contradiction of the liberal status quo. Balls-to-the-wall.
- Lew Rockwell - There is no better time than the present for liberals and libertarians to align under the auspice of utilitarian need to protect our civil liberties. Mr. Rockwell provides a truely conservative perspective on current issues. I disagree with much of his espoused economic and infrastructural policies, he and many of his fellow commentators offer intelligent, forthright analysis of national and international politics. You will lose the debate if you are not aware of the other argument.
- Vent:
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