

My Hobbies and Interests are subject to change without notice (like my mood).

Art:  I enjoy viewing and painting watercolors.  Van Gogh, Gauguin, and Georgia O'Keefe are some of my favorite artists.  My idea of a great time is a full week at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam (with breaks to visit the Heineken Brewery, of course).

Music:  Too varied to list here.  I like just about everything but "Rap", although I will admit to some difficulty in maintaining conciousness while listening to opera.

Critters:  I love my pets, which are now only 2 Bichon Frises (Rosie and Misty),2 cats (Gandalf and Merlin) and 6 goldfish (formerly 8...dratted birds!).  I have had (and probably will  have again) birds, iguanas, rabbits, chickens, ducks, cats, and small rodents (not the kind that wander in on their own).  Dogs and goldfish are all I can handle right now.  

Outdoors:  Fishing is one of my favorite outdoor pastimes.  I do much better in salt water (like in Pensacola, off my brother's boat or the beach), but at home I fish for trout.  I said "fish for", not "catch"  What the heck, I relish the challenge... I like short walks on the Appalachian Trail (preferably all downhill).  I also enjoyed drives in the country, until gasoline prices curtailed that particular activity.

Other "sports":  I have recently rediscovered that I enjoy bowling, although I am admittedly pathetic.  Laser tag is another sport at which I don't excel, but enjoy immensely. Golf is another activity I've tried. Still working on my swing. Maybe someday I'll get on a REAL golf course.

Home Improvement:  Ok, I'd be lying if I said I really enjoyed this, but I gain a certain satisfaction from having successfully completed a project without doing myself or my house irreparable damage.  (Move over, Tim Taylor)

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