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Welcome to my web site!



Hi, I'm Karen. This is my feeble attempt to keep my site updated.  I don't have much time, between work and other activities .

Hmmm.  What can I say about myself?

My favorite role is ""Aunt Karen"".  I have 3 nephews, and 1 niece.  My totally unbiased opinion is that they are the smartest, best looking , greatest kids in  the universe.    However, their rotten parents never bring them to see me, so I'm plotting sneaky ways of getting them to visit (the trout fishing's really great up here...).

I was a  nurse for 17 years.  7 of those years were spent as a traveling nurse.  I would love to continue traveling, but I finished medical school and am in my final year of a Internal Medicine/Psychiatry residency. I plan to specialize in Addiction Psychiatry (as much as I love Internal Medicine, I just hate sticking needles and other sharp pointy objects in people).


Here are some of my favorite photos from my traveling days (in the U.S.)

North Maui

Somewhere in West Florida


"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it."                Thomas Paine


Email Me with your comments, suggestions (no obscene ones, thank you)





This page was last updated on 05/06/07.