Bradley Peddenpohl

I am a senior majoring in Accountancy at Wright State University in Dayton, OH. I plan to graduate in December 2001 with a BSB in Accountancy. Currently, I work at The Iams Company, which is owned by Procter & Gamble.

My schedule for this quarter listed below

Sites of Interest:


My schedule for Summer Quarter is:

GL 107/117

Geologic Dev of Ohio (Rocks 103)



Here are some of my friends' and family webpages:

Adam Harrington's Webpage

Natedogg's Webpage

My Sister's Drill Team Webpage
My Brother Bob's Webpage
Jason Bidlack's Webpage

Jason's Teaching Page

Other Stuff & Stuff:

Home of the Raider Wolfpack

My Resume

Yappy Dog Thrown In Traffic 

The Roach Motel-The Official Hotel of the WSU Myrtle Beach Trip of Wright State Athletics


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