Two Conceptions of Justice
Robert Nozick
Just as utilitarianism was the setting off point for Rawls, Rawls himself is
the setting off point for Nozick particularly in his book, "Anarchy, State
and Utopia" which you have read an excerpt from. Nozick's chief complaint
against Rawls: that only a minimal state (government) can be justified. Since
Rawls' rules (that is, his "Principles of Justice") require "big
government" (Nozick says), a Rawlsian-type government is politically unjustified.
If Nozick is right, this would be important. As we have already noted, all governments
are necessarily coercive if only to a limited extent. The more coercive, the
more vexing the "Why should I submit to the authority (rules and principles)
of this government?" becomes. If the question is more vexing for "big
governments" (Rawls, in Nozick's view), then, if nothing more than a minimal
state is ever justified, Rawls can't satisfactorily say why any citizen should
submit to (his version of a just) government. This would, of course, be disastrous
since there would then be no reason for any citizen's allegiance to a Rawlsian
type government.
Nozick calls his theory of justice a historical theory of justice. A historical
theory of justice has as its main rival what Nozick calls "end-state"
theories of justice. One holds an end-state theory of justice just in case one
believes that all you need to know, to decide if a government is just or not,
is how goods are distributed at a particular time. Thus, for example, if I am
an end-state theorist, I might think that merely knowing that a minority of
15% of a population lives well below the poverty line while a majority of lives
in extreme wealth, tells me all I need to know to determine that the society
is unjust. Of course, if this is what I think, then it doesn't matter to me
how that distribution came about, the mere fact that it exists tells me all
I need to know to decide the question of justice.
In fact, however, almost no theory of justice is entirely "end-state"
and there is good reason for this. Purely "end-state" theories are
implausible. For example, suppose the "end-state" theorist believes
that a just society is one in which everyone has equal shares of social and
economic goods. Now consider a society in which 15% of the population is well
below the poverty level while the majority lives in extreme wealth. Now suppose
that the minority who lives below the poverty level are living below the poverty
level because they are imprisoned convicted felons who, let us suppose, were
given fair trials and found conclusively to be guilty of their crimes. Suppose
further that their punishment fits the crimes; that is, suppose for example,
that they are convicted armed bank robbers serving 8 years in prison. Well,
what's so unjust about that? After all, haven't these felons amply deserved
their impoverished lives? (Recall that in 8 years time, they will have an opportunity
to "try again"). Or consider a society of two people: you and me and
suppose we both have $100. According to the egalitarian end-state theorist,
our society is just. But wait a minute: suppose the reason I have $100 dollars
and you have $100 is because I stole $25 from you when you had $125. Doesn't
the fact that our equality was arrived at through my thievery make the distribution
unjust? The point here is that what someone has done to achieve their station
in life can determine whether their occupying some station is just or unjust.
If that is right, and it certainly seems plausible, then "end-state"
theories are implausible.
The alternative to "end-state" theories are "historical"
theories and these do just as the name suggests: look at the historical facts
about how some pattern of distribution was arrived at to determine whether the
society arranged into that pattern is just. Now there are two types of historical
theories according to Nozick: patterned and unpatterned. Patterned historical
theories distribute according to some pattern such as, "To each according
to his need". Unpatterned historical theories do not do this. Nozick's
own historical theory is unpatterned; thus, his theory of justice is a theory
of the "minimal state" ("minimal" because it enforces no
pattern). We can understand Nozick's basic point by noting that, according to
Nozick, the only question of distribution that matters is: "Did the holder
of these goods acquire the goods by legitimate means?". If yes, then the
distribution is just. If that is all there is to justice then, of course, Fair
Opportunity does not matter nor does the difference principle. Liberty, does,
however, matter in just this sense: Nozick thinks that liberty has got to involve
the right to retain any good acquired through legitimate means. It is fair enough
to think of Nozick as advocating an unrestricted free-market capitalism (which,
according to him, represents an "unpatterned historical theory of distribution").
The details of Nozick's theory don't matter too much. Now Nozick claims that
Rawls is proposing a "patterned" theory, one that distributes according
to the pattern set by the Difference Principle; roughly: to the better-off only
if it also enhances the least well-off. And Nozick thinks he can show that any
"patterned" theory is unjust because it requires re-distributing goods
that were legitimately earned - and that, Nozick says, in unjustified.
Here is Nozick's example:
Imagine a society which is regulated by some pattern (if you like, the Difference
Principle). Let's call the distribution pattern of the society D1. Now imagine
that Wilt Chamberlin (or to make the example more contemporary: Vince Carter,
or Tim Duncan or.....) has made an arrangement with his team and the fans so
that he gets 25 cents for every spectator that attends a home game. The arrangement
works like this: as the fans enter the turnstile and surrender their tickets,
they have to drop a quarter into the "Funds for Wilt" box to open
the gate. At the end of the season, a million people have attended home games
making Wilt Chamberlin $250,000 richer. Call this new Distribution, D2.
From this example, Nozick concludes that:
1. Any pattern is vulnerable to disruption by people's free actions.
2. If D1 is just (and it must be because the pattern theory says it is), then
D2 is also just because people have moved from D1 to D2 voluntarily.
3. Thus, there are just arrangements (D2) that do not obey the original pattern.
For our purposes, what matters is most is the claim of 1). If patterns can be
disrupted by people's free actions then any pattern (according to Nozick) can
only be maintained by infringing on liberty. For suppose we decided to maintain
a pattern but that some people decided to make a Wilt-like transaction. Then
the pattern could only be maintained by either banning the transactions or constantly
re-distributing to maintain the pattern. Either way, we intrude into peoples
lives either by stopping their actions or reaching into their (Wilt's) earnings
to redistribute so as to re-establish the pattern. Either course is an infringement
on liberty. If that is so, then a respect for liberty is incompatible with patterned
conceptions of justice. The objection is a threat to Rawls because Rawls would
have to insist, to maintain his pattern (to satisfy the Difference Principle)
that Wilt's earnings must be redistributed so as to benefit the least advantaged.
But if Nozick is right, this is an infringement on Walt's (and possibly the
fans') liberty contra the requirements of the Liberty Principle. The upshot
then, for Rawls, is that the Liberty Principle is at odds with the Difference
We can think of the debate between Nozick and Rawls as one that concerns the
relationship between holding property and liberty. Consider the question: Does
valuing liberty require recognizing that there are strong "property-rights";
that is, strong protections for holders of property? According to Nozick and
other libertarians, the answer is "yes". Libertarians like Nozick
believe the state violates rights if it attempts to transfer property from some
(the rich) to others (the poor). According to Nozick, where people have liberty,
there can be no restrictions on any individual's property holdings. The libertarian
tries to argue from the value of liberty to a very pure form of capitalism (according
to which distribution is to be left essentially to the free market). If this
line of thinking about what is necessary to liberty is right, then, as Nozick
points out, Rawls (and some others who defend what Nozick calls, "patterned"
conceptions of justice) may well be in trouble. To see that Rawls may well be
in trouble, consider The Difference Principle. According to The Difference Principle,
a pattern of distribution that does not favor the least well-off is unjust.
Nozick takes this to imply that The Difference Principle is a principle of re-distribution
which entitles a government to intervene in such a way as to move from an unjust
distribution of social and economic goods to a more just distribution. But Rawls
also values liberty. According to Nozick, however, the two principles, the Liberty
Principle and the Difference Principle are in conflict: the Difference Principle
requires the very kinds of re-distribution the Liberty Principle disallows.
Thus, Nozick's complaint against Rawls is that to satisfy the Difference Principle,
economic goods will have to be redistributed by the government. But, since the
only question that matters about goods is whether they were legitimately earned,
redistribution by government is virtually stealing (remember Robin Hood, who
stole from the rich to give to the poor? Nozick is accusing Rawls of attempting
to justify a government of Robin Hood like thieves).
Now it is not at all clear that libertarianism really does protect liberty.
To see this, note that leaving distribution only to the free market (and perhaps
gifts and charities) is very likely to result in vast inequalities between rich
and poor. Since economic means partly determines how many opportunities are
available to a person, and since what opportunities someone has determines what
they are at liberty to do, economic means partly determines how much liberty
someone has. Thus we get, as a general rule: the more means (that is, the richer),
the more liberty. The less means (that is, the poorer), the less liberty. Seen
in this light, the liberty the libertarian is protecting is the liberty of the
rich. The observation that an unimpeded free market leads to the kind of vast
economic inequalities that, in turn, lead to vast inequalities in liberty is
partly what leads some to welfare liberalism, the view that property must be
redistributed from rich to poor to ensure equal liberty to all. To some extent,
we can see the issue here as concerning the placement of property entitlements:
are they within a "protected sphere" as is freedom of speech, the
right to vote and so on, none of which a government is permitted to interfere
with (so that there are property rights in some strong sense), or do property
entitlements fall outside of this protected sphere and into an arena, like the
ability to drive or the ability to practice medicine, where government intervention
is permissible?
The debate between Rawls and Nozick, cast in this light, is one that should
be familiar. It is essentially the debate between Democrats, on the one hand,
and Republicans on the other. The typical Republican position is that "big
government" is to be avoided. In particular, what is to be avoided are
the "big government" sort of interventions that use people's tax money
to fund social reform whether that reform be the improvement of the lot of society's
disadvantaged, educational reform or what-have-you. Nozick and the Republicans
believe that to tax is to take people's property away - to deprive them of what
they have acquired through legitimate means (we hope!). Republicans also tout
the virtues of free market capitalism as an important part of liberty - the
economic liberties; that is, the liberty to acquire and accumulate wealth. Democrats,
on the other hand, are much more often concerned with liberty's relation to
opportunity and the way in which economic disadvantages limit opportunity. So
a Democrat is likely to protest to a Republican that a Republican jeopardizes
liberty by allowing the kinds of vast inequalities that impede opportunity.
Just so, a Republican is likely to protest to a Democrat that the Democratic
ideal jeopardizes liberty by interfering (through taxation) with people's economic
liberty (property rights). That is, Republicans and Democrats both accuse each
other of not respecting liberty. And this is just what Rawls and Nozick would
accuse each other of: not respecting liberty! What is really at stake in both
debates is whether economic freedom matters to liberty and if it does whether
economic freedom requires strong property rights (that is, rights so strong
that they impose an obligation on others not to tamper with them).
¥¿ utilitarianism ¬O³oÓ³]¸mÂI?Rawls, Rawls ¬O³oÓ³]¸mÂI? Nozick ¯S§O¦b¥Lªº®ÑùØ, " Anarchy,
§AŪ¸`¿ýªºª¬ºA©M¯Q¦«¨¹" ¡CNozick ªººn«è¨¥¤Ï¹ïRawls: °ß¤@¤@ӳ̤pª¬ºA(¬F©²) ¥i¯à³QÅG¸Ñ¡C¦]?Rawls ªº³W«h(¨º¬O¥Lªº"
ì«h¥¿¸q") n¨D" ¤j¬F©² " (Nozick »{?), Rawlsian «¬¸¹¬F©²¬Fªv¤W¬O¤£¥¿·íªº¡C¦pªG Nozick
¬O¤£¿ù, ³o¬O«nªº¡C¦p¦P§Ṳ́w¸gª`·N¤F, ©Ò¦³¬F©²¥²n¦a¬O±j¨î¦ýÄ@¦b¤@¦³ªºµ{«×¤W¡C¤ñ¸û±j¨î, ·Ð¼{" ?¤°?¦pªG§Ú»¼¥æµ¹·í§½(³W«h©Mì«h)
³oÓ¬F©²?" ¦¨?¡C¦pªG³oÓ°ÝÃD¬O·Ð¼{?" ¤j¬F©²" (Rawls, ¦bNozick ªº´º), ¨º?, ¦pªGµL¨Æ§ó¦h¤ñ¤@ӳ̤pª¬ºA´¿¸g³QÅG¸Ñ,
Rawls ¤£¥i¯à¥O¤Hº¡·N¦a»{??¤°?¥ô¤@Ó¤½¥ÁÀ³¸Ó»¼¥æµ¹(A ªº¥Lªºª©¥») ¬F©²¡C³o, ·íµM, ºG±Ñ¦Û±q¦³µM«á¬O¥ô¤@Ó¤½¥Áªº©¾¸Ûªº¨S¦³ì¦]¹ïRawlsian
Nozick ºÙ¥¿¸qªº¥Lªº²z½×¥¿¸qªº¤@ºØ¾ú¥v²z½×¡C¥¿¸qªº¤@ºØ¾ú¥v²z½×¦³¶H¥¦ªº¥Dn¼Ä¤â¤°?Nozick ¥s" ¥¿¸qªºµ²§ôª¬ºA" ²z½×¡C§A¨Ï¥¿¸qªº¤@ºØµ²§ôª¬ºA²z½×¥¿¸q¦pªG§A¬Û«H©Ò¦³§A»Ýnª¾¹D,
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¿ï¾Ü¹ï" µ²§ôª¬ºA" ²z½×¬O " ¾ú¥v" ²z½×¨Ã¥B³o¨Ç°µ¥¿³oÓ¦W¦r«Øij: ¬ÝÃö©ó«ç¼Ëªº¾ú¥v¨Æ¹ê¤À§Gªº¬Y¤@¼Ë¦¡¨ì¹F½T©w¬O§_³oÓªÀ·|¦w±Æ¤J¨ºÓ¼Ë¦¡¬O¥¿¸qªº¡C²{¦b¦³¤GÃþ«¬¾ú¥v²z½×®Ú¾ÚNozick:
¥é³y©Munpatterned ¡C³Q¥é³yªº¾ú¥v²z½×¤À§G®Ú¾Ú¬YӼ˦¡Ä´¦p, " ¹ï¨C®Ú¾Ú¥Lªº»Ýn" ¡C Unpatterned ¾ú¥v²z½×¤£°µ³o¡CNozick
ªº¦Û¤vªº¾ú¥v²z½×¬O unpatterned; ¦]¦Ó, ¥¿¸qªº¥Lªº²z½×¬O³oÓ" ³Ì¤pª¬ºAªº" ²z½× ("³Ì¤p" ¦]?¥¦¤£±j¨î°õ¦æ¼Ë¦¡)
¡C§Ú̯àÁA¸ÑNozick ªº°ò¥»ÂI¥Ñª`·N¨ì, ®Ú¾ÚNozick, ¨ÆÃö¬O¤À§Gªº°ß¤@ªº°ÝÃD: " °µ¤F³o¨Çª««~§y¤áÀò¨úª««~³q¹L¦Xªk¤â¬q?"
¡C¦pªG¬O, ¤À§GµM«á¬O¥¿¸qªº¡C¦pªG¨º¬O©Ò¦³¦³µM«á¹ï¥¿¸q, ·íµM, ¤½¥¾÷·|¤£¨ÆÃö¤£°µ°Ï§Oì«h¡C¦Û¥Ñ, µM¦Ó, ¨ÆÃö¦b³o·Pı: Nozick »{?, ¦Û¥Ñ¥²¶·¤¶¤JÅv§Q«O¯d¥ô¤@¦nÀò¨ú¸g¥Ñ¦Xªk¤â¬q¡C¥¦±N¨¬°÷¤½¥»{?Nozick
¶H¥D±i, ®Ú¾Ú¥L, ¥Nªí" unpatterned ¤À§Gªº¾ú¥v²z½×") ªºµL¨îªº¦Û¥Ñ¥«³õ¸ê¥»¥D¸q(¡CNozick ªº²z½×²Ó¸`¤£¨ÆÃö¤Ó¦h¡C²{¦bNozick
ÁnºÙ , Rawls ´£Ä³" ³Q¥é³yªº" ²z½×, ¤@¤À§G®Ú¾Ú³oӼ˦¡¥Ñ°Ï§Oì«h³]¸m; ¤jP: ¹ï¤ñ¸û¦n¥u¦pªG¥¦¨Ã¥B´£°ª³Ì¤Öwell-off
¡C¨Ã¥B Nozick »{?¥L¯àªí¥Ü¥ô¦ó" ³Q¥é³yªº" ²z½×¬O¤£¤½¹Dªº¦]?¥¦n¨D«·s¤À°t¦Xªk¦a³Qűoªºª««~- ¨Ã¥B, Nozick »{?,
³oNozick ªº¨Ò¤l:
·Q¶H¥Ñ¬Y¤@¼Ë¦¡ªº¤@ÓªÀ·|(¦pªG§A³ßÅw, °Ï§Oì«h) ½Õ±±¡C§ÚÌ¥sD1. ²{¦b·Q¶H¬\µä Chamberlin ªÀ·|ªºªº¤À§G¼Ë¦¡(©Î¥H¨Ï³oÓ¨Ò¤l¤ñ¸û·í¥N:
Vince ¥d¯S, ©ÎTim Duncan ©Î.....) °µ¤F¤@Ó¦w±Æ»P¥Lªº¶¤©M·®°©Ò¥H¥L±o¨ì25 ¤À?°Ñ¥[®a®xÁɪº¨CÓÆ[?¡C³oÓ¦w±Æ¹B§@¶H³o¼Ë: ·í·®°¶i¤J±ÛÂàªù©M§ë°¥L̪º²¼,
¥LÌ¥²¶·¤U°³B©Ò¤J" ¸êª÷?¬\µä" ½c¤l¥H¥´¶}ªù¡C©ó©u¸`ªºµ²§À, ¤@¦Ê¸U¤H¥Á°Ñ¥[¤F°µ¬\µä Chamberlin $250,000 ¤ñ¸û´I¦³ªº®a®x¤ñÁÉ¡C¥s³o·s¤À§G,
D2 ¡C
±q³oÓ¨Ò¤l, Nozick »{?,:
1 ¡C¥ô¤@Ӽ˦¡¬O¯Ü®zªº¹ï¸Hµõ¥Ñ¤HªºÄÀ©ñÁ|°Ê¡C
2 ¡C¦pªGD1 ¬O¥¿¸q (©M¥¦¥²¶·¬O¦]?¼Ë¦¡²z½×»{?¥¦¬O), D2 ¨Ã¥BµM«á¬O¥¿¦]? ¤H̦ÛÄ@·h¨«±qD1 ¨ìD2 ¡C
3 ¡C¦]¦Ó, ¦³¤£ªA±qì©l¼Ë¦¡ªº¥¿¸q¦w±Æ(D2) ¡C
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¨º?¹ï¦Û¥Ñªº´L·q¬O¤£¬Û®eªº»P¥¿¸qªº³Q¥é³yªººc·Q¡C¤Ï¹ï¬O«Â¯Ù¹ï Rawls ¦]?Rawls ¥²¶·°í«ù, ¥HºûÅ@¥Lªº¼Ë¦¡(¥Hº¡¨¬°Ï§Oì«h) ¬\µä¦¬¤J¥²¶·³Q«·s¤À°t¥H«K¥H¦³¯q©ó³Ì¤Öadvantaged
¡C¦ý¦pªG Nozick ¬O¤£¿ù, ³o¬O¹H¤Ï¦bWalt ªº(©M¥i¯à·®°') ¦Û¥Ñ¦Û¥Ñì«hªºn¨D¡Cµ²ªGµM«á, ?Rawls, ¬O, ¦Û¥Ñì«h»P°Ï§Oì«h¬O¦³¤Àª[¡C
§Ú̯à»{?ÅG½×¦bNozick ©MRawls ¤§¶¡¶H¤@Ó¦³ÃöÃö«Y¦bÂë~ª«?©M¦Û¥Ñ¤§¶¡¡C¦Ò¼{³oÓ°ÝÃD: °µ«µø¦Û¥Ñn¨D»{?¦³°í±jªº" ª«?Åv§Q";
¨º¬O°í±jªº«OÅ@?ª«?§y¤á? ®Ú¾ÚNozick ©M¨ä¥Llibertarians, ³oÓµª´_¬O" ¬O" ¡CLibertarians ¶HNozick
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«ü¥X, Rawls (©M¦³¨Ç¨ä¥L«O½Ã¤°?Nozick ¥s, " ¥¿¸qªº³Q¥é³yªº" ºc·Q)¤]³\´é¥X¬O¦b³Â·Ð¡C¬Ý, Rawls ¤]³\´é¥X¬O¦b³Â·Ð,
¦Ò¼{°Ï§Oì«h¡C®Ú¾Ú°Ï§Oì«h, ¤£¶É¦V³Ì¤Öwell-off ¤À§Gªºªº¼Ë¦¡¬O¤£¤½¹Dªº¡CNozick ±Ä¨ú³o¥H·t¥Ü, °Ï§Oì«h¬Oµ¹Åv¤@Ó¬F©²¤z¹w´N¶H±qªÀ·|©M¸gÀÙª««~¤£¤½¹Dªº¤À§G¦æ°Ê¹ï¤ñ¸û¥¿¸qªº¤À§G¦A¤À°tªºªºì«h¡C¦ýRawls
¨Ã¥B«µø¦Û¥Ñ¡C®Ú¾ÚNozick, µM¦Ó, ¤G¶µì«h, ¦Û¥Ñì«h©M°Ï§Oì«h¬O¦³½Ä¬ð: °Ï§Oì«hn¨D¦Û¥Ñì«h¤£³\ªº³oºØ¦A¤À°t¡C¦]¦Ó, Nozick ªº«è¨¥¤Ï¹ïRawls
¬O¨º¥Hº¡¨¬°Ï§Oì«h, ¸gÀÙª««~±N¥²¶·¥Ñ³oÓ¬F©²«·s¤À°t¡C¦ý, ¦]?¨ÆÃöÃö©óª««~ªº°ß¤@ªº°ÝÃD¬O¬O§_¥L̦Xªk¦a³Qűo, ¦A¤À°t¥Ñ¬F©²¹ê»Ú¤WÅѨú(°O¦íù»«»¹
, ÅѨú±q´I¦³µ¹³h´H? Nozick «ü³dRawls ¸Õ¹ÏÅG¸Ñù»«»¹ªº¬F©²¶HÅѸé) ¡C
²{¦b¥¦¬O²M·¡, ¦Û¥Ñ·N§Ó½×¯u¥¿¦a«OÅ@¦Û¥Ñ¡C¬Ý³o, ª`·N¨º¯d¤U¤À§G¥uµ¹³oӦۥѥ«³õ(©M©Î³\§ª«©M·Oµ½) ¬O«D±`¥i¯à¾ÉP¯E¤j¤£¥µ¥¦b´I¦³©M³h´H¤§¶¡¡C¦]?¸gÀÙ¤â¬q³¡¤À½T©w¦h¤ÖÓ¾÷·|¹ï¤H,
©Msinc ¬O¥i±o¨ìªº
According to Nozick there are three sets of rules of justice, defining:
1. how things not previously possessed by anyone may be acquired;
2. how possession may be transferred from one person to another; and
3. what must be done to rectify injustices arising from violations of (1) and
A distribution is just if it has arisen in accordance with these three sets
of rules. See pp. 151-2.
Nozick does not try to specify in detail the rules under the above three headings
('I shall not attempt that task here', p. 153). However, he does give some further
information on rules of acquisition; see p. 174ff. He follows John Locke who
as Nozick interprets him held that a person has a right (1) to own what he makes,
and (2) to appropriate anything not already owned, provided he leaves 'enough
and as good' for others - i.e. provided his appropriation leaves them no worse
off. (Nozick calls this the 'Lockean proviso'.) It is not clear how Nozick would
defend (1) against his own criticisms of Locke (p. 174-5). As for (2), he points
out that the proviso cannot reasonably be taken to mean that there can be no
worsening of others' opportunities to appropriate; it must mean that in other
respects they are no worse off. Nozick raises the question 'No worse than they
would be how?' What is the baseline? In Rawls's theory the representative worst-off
person must be no worse off than he would be under any other possible arrangement.
Nozick rejects this, but does not define another baseline: 'This question of
fixing a baseline needs more detailed investigation that we are able to give
it here'; p. 177. However, 'whether or not Locke's particular theory of appropriation
can be spelled out so as to handle various difficulties, I assume that any adequate
theory of Justice in acquisition will contain a proviso similar to the weaker
of the ones we have attributed to Locke'; p. 178. Nozick says that the proviso
is violated if a person appropriates all of something necessary to life - or
purchases it, or combines with the other owners of it, or finds himself the
sole owner when other supplies are lost (e.g. when all the other water holes
dry up). Nozick refers to the possibility of losing entitlement to something
that was originally yours because of developments since, such as the drying
up of other waterholes, as the 'historical shadow' of the Lockean proviso; p.
Comparison with Rawls's Theory
Nozick classifies theories of justice as (1) either end-result or historical,
and (2) either patterned or unpatterned. The entitlement theory is historical
and unpatterned. It does not demand that the distribution resulting from just
acquisitions, transfers and rectifications be patterned, i.e. correlated with
anything else (such as moral merit, need, usefulness to society); people may
be entitled to things got by chance or gift. Any distribution, irrespective
of any pattern it may or may not have, is just provided it has the appropriate
history, provided it did in fact come about in accordance with the rules of
acquisition, transfer and rectification. Rawls's theory on the other hand, is
an end-result theory. Choice of principles behind a 'veil of ignorance', must
be based on calculations about what people are likely to end up with under the
various possible sets of principles - there is no other way of choosing (is
there?); p. 202. Therefore if any historical entitlement theory is correct,
Rawls's approach is wrong.
Notice that this imposes on Rawls in the job of showing that no possible version
of an historical entitlement theory could be correct. He might reply that he
intends to stick to his own theory until someone actually produces a correct
entitlement theory; Nozick has not, because his theory is merely a sketch with
many important details not worked out.
Nozick points out (p. 207 ff) an analogy between his own entitlement theory
and the process by which in Rawls's theory the rules of justice are arrived
at. Rawls specifies an initial situation and a process of deliberation, and
say that whatever rules results from this are the rules of justice; similarly
Nozick specifies a process, and says that whatever distribution results is just.
'Each theory specifies starting points and processes of transformation, and
each accepts whatever comes out'. But Rawls's process for generating principles
cannot generate process principles, but only end-result principles. Nozick says
that this is ironic. It presents a dilemma: if processes are 'so great', it
is a defect that the process cannot lead to process principles of justice; if
processes are not so great, then why should we accept the outcome of Rawls's
process? (This is a weak argument. Rawls can claim that his process is 'great'
without having to hold that all processes, just because they are processes,
are great.) There are many pages of criticism of details of Rawls's argument
which we cannot follow here (or even there, sometimes!).
Patterns and Liberty
Others besides Rawls have put forward 'pattern' theories. Nozick advances an
objection against all of them: part of ownership is the liberty to give things
to other people. If justice consists in the pattern in which goods are distributed,
then giving - which changes the pattern - will be unjust. Thus pattern theories
do not merely correct the mal-distribution which allegedly happens under an
entitlement theory; they also alter the concept of possession. 'The view that
holding must be patterned perhaps will seem less plausible when it is seen to
have the consequence that people may not choose to do acts that upset the patterning,
even with things they legitimately hold'. (See p. 219-20). Note Nozick's concept
of ownership: a right to do whatever you choose with what is your own.
No Central Distributor
'Pattern' theories sometimes picture some person or institution faced with the
problem of fairly distributing the sum total of good things: they should be
distributed in a pattern corresponding to merit, need, etc. But, Nozick maintains,
things are never collected into a sum total to be allocated by a central distributing
authority. p. 149 The term distributive justice is not a neutral one. Hearing
the term distribution most people presume that some thing or mechanism uses
some principle or criterion to give out a supply of things... There is no central
distributor, no person or group entitled to control all the resources, jointly
deciding how they are to be doled out. 'If things fell from heaven like manna,
and no one had any special entitlement to any portion of it...' (p. 198), 'there
might be a more compelling reason to search for a pattern. But since things
come into existence already held (or with agreements already made about how
they are to be held), there is no need to search for some pattern for unheld
holdings to fit; and since the process whereby holdings actually come into being
or are shaped, itself needn't realize any particular pattern, there is no reason
to expect any pattern to result... In the non-manna-from-heaven world in which
things have to be made or produced or transformed by people, there is no separate
process of distribution for a theory of distributions to be a theory of'; p.
No Presumption of Equality
Nozick ask why it is to be assumed that differences between persons are arbitrary
unless they can be justified. A central distributor would perhaps be bound to
treat all alike unless for good reason, but in a free society distribution results
from many localized exchanges between individuals entitled to bestow their holdings
as they wish. p. 223.
The Natural Lottery not Unjust
According to Rawls, the veil of ignorance should conceal the distribution of
natural talents, because rules reflecting this distribution would not be just.
But according to Nozick, it is not true that a person deserves something only
if he also deserves whatever he used, including natural talents, to obtain it.
'It needn't be that the foundations underlying desert are themselves deserved,
all the way down'; p. 225. 'Whether or not people's natural assets are arbitrary
from a moral point of view they are entitled to them, and to what flows from
them'; p. 226.
Equal Opportunity not a Right
Possessions that people are entitled to may not be seized to provide equality
of opportunity for others. Life is not a race; 'there is no unified race', p.
235. There are individual exchanges, in which the parties do not usually care
about desert or handicaps, but simply about what they get in exchange. 'No centralized
process judges people's use of the opportunities they had; that is not what
the process of social cooperation and exchange are for'; p. 236. (Statements
about what institutions are for are always suspect. How do we decide what exchange
is for, and anyway why would this impose a norm?)
Justice and Equality
People often note that wealth is unequally distributed, and proceed immediately
to discuss how it might be made more equal. But on the entitlement theory one
cannot decide whether redistribution is necessary merely by looking at the prevailing
pattern of distribution. Whether it just depends on how the distribution came
about. If it came about in accordance with the rules of acquisition, transfer
and rectification, then it is not unjust, however unequal it may be.
Redistributive Action by Government Unjust
According to Nozick, taxation is equivalent to forced labour. Taking a proportion
of earnings is like making a person work a proportion of his working time for
another's purposes. It is unjust to force a person to work for another's benefit.
According to Locke (Section 27), a person has a property in himself and in his
labour; each person has liberty to decide what he will do (subject to the rights
of others), and a right to reap the benefits of his own actions. But tax-financed
social welfare programs institute something like ownership by others of people
and their actions. The poor have a claim on the actions and products of others,
whether or not those others freely entered into relationships that might give
rise to such claims, whether or not they voluntarily take these claims upon
themselves, in charity or as part of an exchange. It is inconsistent to allow
a right to emigrate, when there is no right to stay and opt out; see p. 173.
(Are there any enforceable duties to do things for others? E. g. is there a
duty to help in floods or earthquakes? Enforceable duties to help do not imply
that actions or persons are owned. Part of ownership is the right to sell; the
fact that someone has a duty to help me does not imply that I have a right to
sell his help. Parents are not partly owned by their children. Nozick's analogies
need to be analysed carefully. )
Rectification of Past Injustice
Nozick does not attempt to work out the rules of rectification. However he says
that it is an important task in each society to work out what operable policy
best approximates the results of a detailed application of rules of rectification.
It is possible that some tax-financed welfare program, or even Rawls's rule
of favouring the worst off group, may be justified as a means of rectification,
if it can be assumed that the better off are beneficiaries of past injustices,
and the worse off victims. He warns that his entitlement theory cannot be used
to condemn any particular welfare scheme unless it is clear that it cannot be
justified as a means of rectifying past injustices. See p. 231. (Will this warning
be heeded, or will the theory be taken as a justification of the existing distributions?).
Nozick's theory of rights
In his account of the possible justification of the state, and in his entitlement
theory of justice, Nozick postulates absolute rights - not merely prima facie
rights which might be overridden, but boundaries not to be crossed without the
free consent of the persons whose rights they are. Other people's rights are
constraints upon our actions toward our own goals.
Why must we respect such constraints? When a person makes a thing, or finds
it unowned and appropriates it, why must others not use it without his permission
- no matter how great their need, no matter how such things are distributed?
Nozick's answer is that such constraints express the inviolability of other
persons; a person is not to be used to benefit others - this would not sufficiently
respect the fact that he is a separate person, that his is the only life he
has. There is no transcendent social whole for the sake of which individuals
can be sacrificed, there are only other individuals. See p. 32-3, 50-1. In effect
Nozick agrees with Rawls's criticism of Utilitarianism: in adding and subtracting
the costs and benefits to all the persons affected, and in allowing benefits
to one person to offset costs to others, Utilitarianism does not sufficiently
acknowledge the separateness of persons.
Some criticisms of Nozick's theory
From T. Nagel 'Libertarianism without Foundations', Yale Law Journal (K/29/.A4)
85 (1975) p. 136f.
(1) It is risky to argue from small-scale examples to universal principles.
Nozick supposes 'that it is possible to determine what governments may and should
do by first asking what individuals, taken a few at a time in isolation from
large-scale society, may do, and then applying the resultant principles to all
possible circumstances, including those which involve billions of people, complicated
political and economic institutions, and thousands of years of history. What
is more surprising, he discovers in himself intuitions about the moral requirements
on men in a state of nature which he is willing to endorse as universal principles
unmodified in their cumulative effects when applied in any circumstances whatever....
It is hard to see how anyone could seriously arrive at firm moral opinions about
the universal principles of human conduct without considering what it would
be like if they were universally applied, in iterations which might create complex
effects of scale'.
(2) Nozick's intuitions are in any case wrong, because they see as absolute
some rights that are only prima facie rights.
'The intuition that Nozick discovers in himself is that everyone has an absolute
right to be free from coercion, and an absolute right to acquire and dispose
of his property - so long as he is not violating the same rights of others and
so long as his acquisition of property does not, for example, give him sole
title to the formerly public water supply of a desert community. Nozick's intuition
is that each person is entitled to his talents and abilities, and to whatever
he can make, get, or buy with his own efforts, with the help of others, or with
plain luck. He is entitled to keep it or do anything he wants with it, and whomever
he gives it to is thereby equally entitled to it. Moreover, anyone is entitled
to whatever he ends up with as a result of the indefinite repetition of this
process, over however many generations....
'Nozick's moral intuitions seem wrong even on a small scale. He denies that
any of the rights he detects may be overridden merely to do good or prevent
evil. But even if it is not permissible to murder or maim an innocent person
to promote some highly desirable result, the protected rights do not all have
the same degree of importance... It is far less plausible to maintain that taking
some of an innocent man's property is an impermissible means for the prevention
of a serious evil, than it is to maintain that killing him is impermissible.
These rights vary in importance and some are not absolute even in the state
of nature...
'Rights limit the pursuit of worthwhile ends, but they can also sometimes be
overridden if the ends are sufficiently important. The only way to make progress
in understanding the nature of individual rights is to investigate their sources
and their relations to each other and to the values on whose pursuit they set
(3) Nozick is wrong in holding that benefit to one person can never offset cost
to another: sometimes it can.
To make sense of utilitarianism,
'All one needs is the belief, shared by most people, that it is better for each
of 10 people to receive a benefit than for one person to receive it, worse for
10 people to be harmed than for one person to be similarly harmed, better for
one person to benefit greatly than for another to benefit slightly, and so forth....
If a choice among such alternatives does not involve the violation of any rights
or entitlements, but only the allocation of limited time or resources, then
we regard those comparisons as excellent reasons for picking one alternative
rather than another. If we can help either 10 people or one person, not included
in the 10, and we help the 10, then we can say that rescue of the 10 outweighs
the loss of the one, despite the fact that he does not get some overbalancing
good from his sacrifice, and his is the only life he has. So for the purpose
of comparing possible outcomes of action, where the violation of rights is not
in question, it is clear that the distinctness of individuals does not prevent
balancing of benefits and harms across persons. If special constraints enter
in when a sacrifice is to be imposed on someone as a means to the achievement
of a desirable outcome, their source must lie elsewhere. Such constraints should
not derive from a principle which also has the consequence that practically
nothing can be said about the relative desirability of situations involving
numbers of different people.
(4) Nozick is wrong about the basis of rights.
'Furthermore, the source of rights of the general kind Nozick advocates cannot
be discovered by concentrating, as he suggests we should, on the meaning of
individual human lives and the value of shaping one's own life and forming a
general conception of it. Vague as his suggestions are, they all suffer from
an error of focus, for they concentrate solely on features of persons that make
it bad for certain things to happen to them, and good for them to have the opportunity
to do certain things. But rights of the kind that interest Nozick are not rights
that certain things not happen to you, or rights to be provided with certain
opportunities. Rather they are rights not to be interfered with in certain activities.
They give rise to claims not against the world at large, but only against someone
who contemplates deliberately violating them The relation between the possessor
of the right and the actor, rather than just the intrinsic nature of the possessor
and of his life, must enter into the analysis of the right and the explication
of its basis.
'Any theory of rights must explain this structural feature, even if it does
not follow Nozick in elevating the unimpeded exercise of the will into the supreme
principle of morality. It is of the first importance that your right not to
be assaulted is not a right that everyone do what is required to ensure that
you are not assaulted. It is merely a right not to be assaulted, and it is correlated
with other people's duty not to assault you. This cannot be explained simply
by the fact that it is bad to be assaulted, which is merely an item in the catalog
of values by which the desirability or undesirability of occurrences or sets
of occurrences is to be weighed. That assault is disagreeable or bad does not
explain why the prohibition of it should serve as a constraint on the pursuit
of other values or the avoidance of other harms, even if those other values
outweigh the badness of assault in a pure calculation of the relative desirability
of possible outcomes. Sometimes one is required to choose the less desirable
alternative because to achieve the more desirable one would have to violate
a right....
'An explanation of the basis of right would therefore have to concentrate on
the actor and his relation to the person he is constrained not to treat in certain
ways, even to achieve very desirable ends. And it would have to explore the
interaction between those constraints, and the goals whose pursuit they constrain.
There is no reason to think that either in personal life or in society the force
of every right will be absolute or nearly absolute, i.e. never capable of being
overridden by consequential considerations. Rights not to be deliberately killed,
injured, tormented, or imprisoned are very powerful and limit the pursuit of
any goal. More limited restrictions of liberty of action, restrictions on the
use of property, restrictions on contracts, are simply less serious and therefore
provide less powerful constraints'.
(5) The distinction between end-result and historical theories of justice is
not as sharp as Nozick supposes (if we recognize that some rights are not absolute,
but may be subordinated to certain valuable ends).
A political theory might -
'assign society the function of promoting certain goods and preventing certain
evils, within limits set by the differing constraints of different individual
rights. It would not judge processes and procedures solely by their tendency
to produce certain outcomes, nor would it judge outcomes solely by the processes
that had produced them. Social institutions and the procedures defining them
would be assessed by reference both to their respect for individual rights and
liberty, and to their tendency to promote desirable ends like the general welfare.
'Nozick offers a classification of principles of distributive justice into which
such a theory does not fit.... Suppose a theory says that a distribution is
just if it results from a process governed by rules that reflect (a) the suitability
of certain patterns, (b) the desirability of increasing certain good results
and decreasing certain evils independently of any pattern, and (c) a respect
for individual rights of differing importance, Such a theory will be at bottom
neither purely historical nor purely patterned. It will be formally historical,
but the "historical" or process criterion will be partially determined
by considerations of pattern and considerations of total outcome. Therefore
Nozick's concentrated attack on patterned principles and nonhistorical principles
provides no reason to think that his alternative is correct'.
Note: 'More specifically, his arguments against Rawls are seriously weakened
by a Procrustean attempt to portray Rawls's principle of distributive justice
as a nonhistorical or end-result principle. Rawls does not maintain that the
justice of a distribution can be determined independently of how it was produced.
He believes that its justice depends on the justice of the institutions, including
legal institutions defining entitlement, which were involved in its production.
These are assessed only partly on the basis of their tendency to promote a certain
distributive end-state. Rawls, for example, gives priority to the preservation
of individual liberty... [which] certainly restricts the procedures by which
a distribution can be justly arrived at.'
(6) On the Wilt Chamberlain example, by which Nozick shows that preservation
of a pattern would violate the liberty of property owners to do as they wish
with their own: again, he supposes that if there is a right, it is absolute.
'It only seems a problem to Nozick, and a further violation of liberty, because
he erroneously interprets the notion of a patterned principle as specifying
a distribution of absolute entitlements (like those he believes in) to the wealth
or property distributed. But absolute entitlement to property is not what would
be allocated to people under a partially egalitarian distribution. Possession
would confer the kind of qualified entitlement that exists in a system under
which taxes and other conditions are arranged to preserve certain features of
the distribution, while permitting choice, use, and exchange of property compatible
with it. What someone holds under such a system will not be his property in
the unqualified sense of Nozick's system of entitlement'.
®Ú¾ÚNozick ¦³¤TÓ³W«h²Õ¥¿¸q, ©w¸q:
1. «ç?¨Æ¥Ñ¥ô¦ó¤H¤£¦¥ý¾Ö¦³¤]³\ ³QÀò¨ú ;
2. «ç?°]?¤]³\ ±q ¤@Ó¤H³QÂಾ¨ì¥t¤@Ó; ¨Ã¥B
3. ¤°?¥²¶·°µ ÁB¥¿ ¤£¤½¹D¥X²{±q«I®`(1) ©M (2) ¡C
¤À§G¬O¥¿¸qªº¦pªG¥¦¤É°_»P³o¨Ç¤TÓ³W«h²Õ²Å¦X¡C°Ñ¨£¶151-2 ¡C
Nozick ¤£³]ªk«ü©w¸Ô²Ó³W«h¦b¤Wz¤TÓ¼ÐÃD(' §Ú¤§¤U¤£·|¸Õ¹Ï¨º¶µ¥ô°È³oùØ', p. 153) ¦~¡CµM¦Ó, ¥L´£¨Ñ¤@¨Ç¤ñ¸û¶i¤@¨Bªº¸ê°TÃö©ó©ÓÁʳW«h;
°Ñ¨£p. 174ff ¡C¥L¸òÀHªº¬ù¿«Locke ·íNozick ¸ÑÄÀ¥L¶H¦n«O«ù¤H¦³¤@¥¿½T(1) ¹ï¾Ö¦³¤°?¥L°µ, ©M(2) ¥H¦X¾A¥ô¦óªF¦è¤£¤w¸g¾Ö¦³,
´£¨Ñ¥L¯d¤U' ¨¬°÷©M' ?¨ä¥L¤H- §Y´£¨Ñ¤F¥Lªº±M¦³¯dµ¹¥L̨S¦³¤ñ¸ûÃa¡C(Nozick ºÙ³o ' Lockean ¦ý®Ñ' ¡C) ¥¦¤£¬O½T¤Á«ç?Nozick
«O½Ã(1) ¤Ï¹ï¥L¦Û¤vªº§åµûLocke (p. 174-5) ¡C¦Ü©ó(2), ¥L«ü¥X, ¦ý®Ñ¤£¥i¯à¦X²z¦a³Q±Ä¨ú·N¨ý¥²¶·¦³¥i¯à¬O¨S¦³´c¤Æ¨ä¥L¤H¾÷·|¦X¾A;
¥¦¥²¶··N¨ý¨º¦b ¥LÌ ¨S¦³¤ñ¸ûÃaÃö³¬ªº¨ä¥L¤è±¡C Nozick ¤ñ¥L̬O´£¥X³oÓ°ÝÃD' ¨S¦³¤ñ¸ûÃa «ç? ?' ³o±ø°ò¦½u¬O¤°?? ¦bRawls ªº²z½×¤W³oÓ¥Nªí©Ê³ÌÃaªº¤H¤ñ¥L¬O®Ú¾Ú¨ä¥L¥i¯àªº¦w±Æ¥²¶·¬O¨S¦³¤ñ¸ûÃa¡CNozick
©Úµ´³o, ¦ý¤£©w¸q¨ä¥L°ò¦½u: ' ©w¶Hªº³oÓ°ÝÃD°ò¦½u»Ýn¤ñ¸û¸Ô²Óªº½Õ¬d, §Ú̯à°÷µ¹¥¦³oùØ'; p. 177. µM¦Ó, ' ¬O§_±M¦³ªº Locke
ªº¯S®í²z½×¥i¯à©ú¥Õ¸Ñ»¡¥H«K³B¸m¦UºØ¦U¼Ëªº§xÃø, §Ú°²³]¥ô¦ó¥R¤À ¥¿¸qªº²z½×¦b©ÓÁÊ¥]§t¦ý®Ñ¬Û¦ü»P¤ñ¸û·L®z¨ºÓ§ÚÌÂk¦]©ó Locke '; p. 178.
Nozick »{?, ¦ý®Ñ³Q¹H¥Ç¦pªG¤H¦X¾A ©Ò¦³¥²n¨Æ¹ï¥Í¬¡- ©Î¦¬ÁÊ¥¦, ©Î²Õ¦X»P¨ä¥L©Ò¦³ªÌ¥¦, ©Îµo²{³oÓ³æ¤@©Ò¦³ªÌ·í¨ä¥L¨ÑÀ³³Q¥á¥¢(§Y·í©Ò¦³¨ä¥L¤ôÆp¤Õ°®Àê)
¡C Nozick ´£¨ì¥á¥¢Åv§Qªº¥i¯à©Ê¹ï¬Y¨Æì©l¬O§Aªº¥Ñ©óµo®i¦Û±q, Ä´¦p°®Àê¨ä¥Lwaterholes, §@?' ¾ú¥v³±¼v' ªºLockean ¦ý®Ñ ;
p. 180.
»PRawls ªº²z½×ªº¤ñ¸û
Nozick ¤ÀÃþ¥¿¸qªº²z½×¶H(1) ¤]end-result ©Î¾ú¥v, ©M(2) ¤]¥é³y©Î unpatterned ¡CÅv§Q²z½×¾ú¥v©Munpatterned
¡C¥¦¤£n¨D¤À§G°_¦]¤_¥¿¸q©ÓÁÊ, ½Õ°Ê©M¾ã¬y³Q¥é³y, §YÃöÁp»P§Oªº(Ä´¦p¹D¼wÀuÂI, »Ýn, ¦³¥Î©Ê¹ïªÀ·|); ¤H̤]³\³Qµ¹Åv¹ï¨Æ±o¨ì°¸µM©Î§ª«¡C ¥ô¤@ ¤À§G,
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²z½×¡Cì«h¿ï¾Ü¦bµLª¾' ±¯½¤§«á', ¥²¶·®Ú¾ÚºtºâÃö©ó¤°?¤H¥Á¥i¯àµ²§ô»P¦b¦UºØ¦U¼Ëªº¥i¯àªº®M¤§¤Uì«h- ¨S¦³¨ä¥L¤è¦¡¿ï¾Ü(¬O¦³?); p. 202. ©Ò¥H¦pªG
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