My Page
My name is Carolyn Sue Simington.  I am 20 years old and a student at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, Arkansas.  I am studying for a bachelor's degree in English with a minor in Psychology.  Next fall I am transferring to Mississippi State University to be with my boyfriend (and future husband).

Right now I live in Pocahontas with my parents, Frank and Pat.  I have two sisters, who are both married, and two nieces and one nephew (and one that is undecided as of yet) who are all wonderful, beautiful, and adorable.

My wonderful boyfriend, Rodney, and I have been dating for over a year.  Someday we are going to get married and have a child.  He wants to work for Industrial Light and Magic someday.  I just want to teach college somewhere, and I want to own a bookstore.
My Favorite Links:
Rodney's homepage
MR. WONDERFUL'S tribute page
Photo Gallery
Check out my college
About Me
Name: Carolyn Sue Simington
This is me.