GIS 250 - Section 306073 |
Spring 2001 |
Course Description
It is important for us to understand how new technology bears on our day-to-day communication processes as related to cross-cultural missions. The primary goals for this computer course are:
· To instill a desire to learn about and use technology to communicate with others
· To understand how technology can and is being used in cross- cultural missions
· To understand how computers can and will
change the way we communicate in the future
Course Goals and Objectives
The goals and objectives for this class will be developed by completing the hands-on projects as listed in the syllabus. During each class session, time will be spent learning to use the software, sharing ideas, resources, and techniques. Upon completion of the course, the student who completes this course should be able to use the following software: E-mail, Internet Explorer 5.0, communications software, scanning software, along with creating and maintaining web pages. The student will develop skills in the following areas:
Research items pertaining to Web page designing, such as: Java, appropriate page size, using tables or just a layout, web color, graphics (file size)
Research items for Internet - name some of the different browsers. Difference between a browser and a web Page
Electronic communication using e-mail, the Internet, and hypermedia software
Course Assignments and Projects
Project 1 | Research for Web pages | l5 points |
Project 2 | Web page using HTML codes | 25 points |
Project 3 | Web page in Word - save as HTML | 20 points |
Project 4 | Web page in Yahoo or their choice | 20 points |
Project 5 | Internet assignment & e-mail | 20 points |
Preparation, Participation, and Attendance
Students are expected to prepare each assignment listed above. Because of the nature of this class and the introduction of new software and ideas during each class, students are expected to be present. Absences in excess of two class hours (or two classes) will be considered in the determination of each final grade and may result in the reduction of that grade as outlined in the College Catalog.
1 absence - minus 2 points |
3 absences - minus 4 points |
2 absences - minus 3 points |
4 absences - dropped |
Grading Policy and Scale
The instructor will evaluate the above assignments based on the points as listed. No late work will be accepted unless instructor grants prior permission. The student will be encouraged to edit and redo each assignment until it is correct.
Grading scale is as outlined in the College Catalog.
Web Sites:
Ethics on the Internet: http://www5.fullerton.edu/les/computer.html
Internet Tools: http://www.cltr.uq.oz.au:8000/-rogergdangnet.html
Internet Assistance: http://www.71 I.net/visit.g,rv
Gospel Communications: http://www.gospelcom.net/gcn-ministries.html
Web Page Design: http://www.hooked.net/~larrylin/web.htm
Desktop Publishing
Project 1
Research outline (at least two pages) listing various items pertinent to the design of a web page, such as:
appropriate page size
using tables or a plain layout
web color
graphic file sizes
how many churches use the web, and is it beneficial for their purposes.
Project 2 - Design a Web Page using HTML Codes
n this design, you will create a web page in Microsoft Word, using the HTML codes. With this type of procedure, you save the document as a "text only" file since the HTML codes have been typed in the document.
Project 3 - Design a Web Page in MS Word and Save as HTML
In this design, you will create a web page in Word, just as if you were typing a document, with graphics, etc., and save the file type as "HTML".
Project 4 - Design a Web Page using Publisher Front Page
In this project you will design a home page and three additional pages that will be links from your home page. This web page will be uploaded to the web upon completion.
Project 5 - Internet and E-mail
Research information regarding internet and e-mail.
Ways to use the internet
History of the internet
Ways to use e-mail
Home Word PowerPoint DTP Micro