Aaron Sathrum

UCDavis Student, Soccer Player, Music Lover, Christian

My Life

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University of California, Davis


Freshman at UCDavis studying _____ … well just studying.

Key responsibilities

Do my Homework, make friends, encourage those around me, be a doer, not a onlooker.

Emerson Hall

I live in Emerson Hall where I get almost no work done. That is why there are places like libraries and studying Halls. Dorm Halls are reserved for consuming alcohol and other substances. No I don’t do any of that crap!

More School Info

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Hot List

Get the new Trailer! It Rocks!

Rage the mp3 with Winamp!

Do you Yahoo?

What's the weather link in your neck of the woods?

Are you itching for a break???

"All the News that’s fit to print."


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Contact Information


Feel free to drop me a note sometime.

Web address

Geocities is now my new 'home.'

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Current Projects

Finish my winter quarter

How will I do this>?? Well… finish my papers and study for finals, and hopefully do moderately well on them.

Find a girlfriend

Yes. Someone to love, hold, and cherish. I am single, and being alone away from home can get very lonely.

Learn HTML

Once I learn HTML (which should be easy) I can get a kick #$*! Website for all to see.

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Biographical Information

Say Hi! to my Dad

Aaron Sathrum

Davis California

Eureka Native, now pursuing higher education?

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Personal Interests

I love to play all sports, especially soccer.

Music is my avocation and love.

I also claim Jesus Christ as God's son and free gift to all mankind.

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Last Revised: March 16, 1999