I am currently a third year grad student at Virginia Tech studying mathematical physics, hooray!!!
Always in progress-a compilation of quotes from my classes here at VA Tech.
Here's a poem I wrote for the end of Fall semester 2002 graduate student gathering, its not particularly good, seeing as I'm not a poet but its decent enough that you should read it, I mean for goodness sake if you don't like it you don't have to finish it I'm not going to know so I won't take any offense. All the quotes were actually said by professors in class.
Here's the poem for the Spring 2003 graduate student gathering
The poem I wrote for the Spring 2004 graduate student gathering
A rare mid-semester poem eulogizing our dead copy machine
The poem I wrote for the Fall 2004 graduate student gathering. My apologies to those who 1) don't know what the Empo. is and 2) like the Empo.
Want to read some funny stories/quotes from my classes at UCSD?
My friends and I from UCSD were not known for paying particularly close attention to all of our lectures, especially in quantum physics. Many a page was filled with notes back and forth, none of which were particularly important, but all of which were funny and did the job of keeping us awake. One day, for whatever reason, we started writing a poem/song, about our professor. If you would like to read it click here. It is a PDF file. I have changed the professors name in case for some random reason our professor stumbles onto my webpage.
Terri and Adam have "come to the conclusion that my homepage lacks." Hmmmm ... do either of you have a homepage??
Email suggestions and comments to: Sharon Hughes