Greatest Hits
These are the greatest hits I've taken in clubs and message boards. I promise that I don't troll or go looking for this shit, it just seems to find me.

jeez, can't we all just get along? AtlantaBravo (26/M/Atlanta, GA) 7/18/01 12:27 pm Charlie FUCK YOU. You say you're sorry than slam me. You're a cunt bitch. You know who I hate, little fucking girls who follow sports who don't know a thing about hitting a 90 MPH fastball and then opine on the state of sports. I hate people who don't respect history. I hate Lawyers, Democrats and Republicans. I hate the media. I hate people who blindly root for a team because of childish idoltry. I hate the plethora of home runs being hit. I hate the NBA. I'm beginning to hate the big business of college athletics. I hate interleague play, the DH and mainly you right now. Is that enogh negativity for ya. Finally you aren't an expert on baseball and niether am I. At least I have the intelligenc to know that arguing over a person's opinion about home runs is fucking stupid. It's an opinion, no right, no wrong, got that. The fact that the team who has hit below average in home runs the last four years has won the world series kinda hurts you're assumptions that home runs score more runs. But heh you're so fucking smart you know that can't be true.
That's it for now. I'll go find some more and post them.