Hi everybody!  Well yup, it's official!  Dana has gone 'computer nerd!'  

I guess I have always been kinda nerdy, so this just confirms it. 

Well, ok, I started this page so that my American friends can see where I live and stuff, and keep up to date with what is going on in my life. So I hope that you guys like it.  Just remember that I love you all and miss you all.  I really want to come back some time- and you guys sure can visit any time you want.  So I'll try to update this every so often, whenever I get new photos and stuff, so I might email you when I do that...or not- I don't know.  It's a little rough cause I am just learning and I have never done anything like this before, but I hope you like it- Love you always, DANA.


What's happening in 


7th- my brother leaves for Italy

I have a dentist appointment about my wisdom teeth

14th-16th Family vacation to Bright

20th- I move into my college for O-week (orientation Week)

28th- Classes start



(oh yeah, the top picture is from New Years Eve, that is me, my friend Kerri, my friend Julia, and some unidentified males- HAPPY MILLENNIUM!)


Click Here

(well down there)

Around Home 

In Wisconsin...

When I was little


Me wearing my new trash can

I like inflatable plastic objects...



mail to: carcuss1@hotmail.com


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