I Have Learned

I've  learned....
          that the best  classroom in the world is at the  feet of an elderly person.
   I've  learned....
         that when you're in  love, it shows.
   I've  learned....
          that just one person  saying to me, "You've made my  day!" makes my day.
   I've  learned....
          that I feel better  about myself when I make others  feel better about themselves.
   I've  learned....
          that having a child  fall asleep in your arms is one of  the most peaceful feelings in the  world.
   I've  learned....
          that what we have done  for ourselves alone dies with us.  What we have done for others and  the world remains and is  immortal.
   I've  learned....
          that one sincere  apology is worth more than all the  roses money can buy.
   I've  learned....
          that words harshly  spoken are as difficult  to  retrieve as feathers in a gale.
   I've  learned....
          that being kind is  more important than being  right.
   I've  learned....
          that you should never  say no to a gift from a  child.
   I've  learned....
          that I can always pray  for someone when I don't have the  strength to help him in some other  way.
   I've learned....
           that no matter how serious your  life requires you to be, everyone  needs a friend to act goofy  with.
   I've  learned....
          that sometimes all a  person needs is a hand to hold and  a heart to understand.
   I've  learned....
          that simple walks with  my father around the block on  summer nights when I was a child  did wonders for me as an adult.
   I've  learned....
          that life is like a  roll of toilet paper. The closer  it gets to the end, the faster it  goes.
   I've  learned....
          that we should be glad  God doesn't give us everything we  ask for.
  I've  learned....
          that money doesn't buy  class.

  I've  learned....
        that it's those small  daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

  I've  learned....
        that once a  relationship is over, if you  experienced more smiles than tears, then it wasn't a waste of time.

  I've  learned....
         that under everyone's  hard shell is someone who wants to  be appreciated and  loved.

I've  learned....
        never to humiliate  another person. Always give him an  honorable way to back down or out  of something and still save  face.

   I've  learned....
       that the Lord didn't  do it all in one day. What makes  me think I can?

I've  learned....
         that if you are still  talking about what you did  yesterday, you haven't done much  today.

I've  learned....
   that to ignore the  facts does not change the  facts.

I've  learned....
       that when you plan to  get even with someone, you are  only letting that person continue  to hurt you.

I've  learned....
that it is best to  give advice in only two  circumstances: when it is requested and when it is a  life-threatening situation.

I've  learned....
       that a good friend is  the one who tells you how you  really look in your jeans.

  I've  learned....
   that the less time I  have to work with, the more things  I get done.

  I've learned....
      That poetry are not just words but feelings

I've learned....
  helping people in need is the best thing we ever could do.

I've learned ....
  life is not what you achieved, or winning but the many times you have lend an ear, a hand, and a heart.

  I've learned....
      that no matter what education you attain, how many diplomas you gained, doesn’t mean you can understand everything.

I've learned....
    that the more pain and hurt you experience the more knowledgeable and understanding you are.

I've learned....
that you cannot force everyone to be your friend. But you can be a friend to everyone.

I've learned. . .  I am learning. . .

October 30, 2000 14:42:17