<BGSOUND SRC="/ldj999/userfiles:/user/waitforu.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

People always argue with each other for whatever they believe in.
It goes on and on with no end.
Most of the time, these beliefs are subjective.
The thing is they never realize the key of their arguemnt is the difference of their beliefs.
For example, I believe film can capture the most beautiful and emotional moment of a thing. However, there are hedonist, constructionist and republician. They will never understand why I am spending so much time on making a short film.

"Why don't you go enjoy the sunset?"
"Why don't you go do some films to make you famous?"
"Hey, I think you gonna give your project up, why don't you come hang out with us now?"

Before asking question or speaking your opinion out, please do some thinking on understand the BELIEF of others.

I respect you
if you are trying your best to make yourself good by coping with your belief

Please do not act because of other's beliefs,
act what your belief told you.

Life is not as long as what you expected.
Take your time.