Tamara's Page

Welcome to my personal page. I would like to share my interests with you. I have many, but the last two years have been mostly about the Mountain Dulcimer. I imagine that this will turn out to yet another Mountain Dulcimer page. I am using the nickname, "Joyfulnoise" on the website Everythingdulcimer.com.  I mostly do just that, make a joyfulnoise. I play "at" the Mountain Dulcimer, more than I actually play it.

Photos of my Black Rose dulcimer.
Photos of my new Sweetwoods dulcimer coming soon.
     (I hope!!)
Photos of general stuff.

Other places to go:
My Favorite Tab
My Favorite Links
Everything Dulcimer
      Sweetwoods Dulcimer shop
      Flat Creek Dulcimer
      Prussia Valley Dulcimer
My Favorite Festival lists

Festivals I have attended:
   Ohio Buckeye Dulcimer Festival
   Shady Grove (no longer being held)
   Harmony Harvest Dulcimer Festival
   One in Cincinatti I can't remember the name of
Festivals I hope to attend:
   Winston-Salem North Carolina
   National Trails
   Kentucky Music Week

Other Interests
   Steel guitar

Email me
Visitors to this page Copyrite April 2007