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. Few Anecdotes ( or whatever you think they are ) From Me 8/25/99 The very first time for anything is like an experiment in which you are guinue pig. This is the first time I ever look for a job. I was both amused and confused at one entry"WORK EXPERIENCE". Now the problem is that you can not have experience without job and at the same time you can not have job without experience. So what is important "Job or Experience". At this time, I do not know what will be expected from me or what am I supposed to do. ![]() 8/27/99 Sometimes a simple thing like driving could be a serious and difficult activity. You know what are expected to do but you do something wrong enough to fail it. Same could be your situation in class tests or semester final exams. When you perform the same in every test, it could be interpreted as you are afraid of tests. But when you are doing ok in school tests and you can not perform a practical activity like driving, then how can you explain what is going on with you. ![]() 9/7/99 Getting into semester was an exciting thing for me but not this time. I got all the classes I want but I got the picture of the semester in the first week itself. Actually I am hoping it might not turn out that way. I am visualizing myself getting behind each class one by one. So far I am able to keep up with classes. I will try to keep up with classes in rest of semester. As of now, the question of job is gone for this semester.After all, education is the very reason of your presence in an educational instituition. ![]() 9/23/99one explanation for the problem stated above is as simple as certain people can not certain things but this explanation is just like running away fromt the problem. If you run away from a problem, you will face the same problem again because that problem is there. For me,it is problem for more than one reason. The meaning of concentration changes with different things. In studies, it is to remember what you read. In sports, it is look at the object of the game. In driving, it is look around you as fast as you can and be aware of your sorroundings at all the times. So one thing that distinct studies from practical things like sports and driving is decision making. This is a skill which is required at every step in life but for for drving you have to be fast at it. If you are not good at decision making, you can not be good at any practical stuff. ![]() 11/16/99Thinking is very important in relations because you could hurt someone and not knowing that you have done something wrong. The dangerous part is not that you hurt someone but that you do not know it and the problem here is that you continue to hurt other without it. Innocence is not the right thing all the time. Under certain situation, innocence can be easily translated to stupidity. ![]() 11/22/99 How frustrating could be your day when nothing seems to work? Today, I messed on the thing, which i was trying to resolve for last three weeks. At this time, it seems that I learned nothing over the last three weeks and the only thing I did is wastage of time. The sword of finals is hanging over my head and everything seems blurred at this time. I hope that this won't last long. ![]() 01/05/00 Today I am facing the same problem that I am putting off for a long time and hoping that it will go by itself. For a while, I was starting to think that education is the only thing that I need to do. But that is not true. I need to fulfill to other responsibilities as well. For last few days, I am struggling to drive a car. The moment I step into the car, a fear comes to mind that I might not cause damage to the vehicle. And after that thought I can not think right and the result is I make some serious or better word is fatal mistakes. ![]() 4/4/00Do not have an instructor who has problem in speaking or listening. Communication is a major factor which determine how well you understand the material of the course. If you end in studying on your own then what is the role of instructor. On top of that things can get worse if instructor contradicts himselfor herself. If you do have any other instructor for that class, leave the class for next semester.I hope that I survive this semester. ![]() 4/27/00 Everything is falling apart. The moment I think that material is under control, something new comes up and throws me completely off the track. I hope that i would be able to control the material by the end of this week, otherwise hope of getting good grade is gone for ever. ![]() 5/8/00 Now there is only one week to finish the project. the most frastating part is that the circuit which one time gives no response second time. Spend half an hour to set up the circuit and then spend next two hours troubleshooting the circuit. At this point I have no idea how will I complete this project and If I complete this project or not? ![]() 5/16/00 Today, i got finished with my project but in the way, I had expected. Most decieving part of the whole thing was that one group did the same project but I was not known about that. Each group was supposed to do different project or for the same argument, student doing the same project are supposed to be in one group, that is why the projects were distributed on First come First serve basis. Anyway, I am done with it and that is enough for me. For me, getteing thing right at the first attempt deos not help and it does not happen either. I always end in doing the thing atleast twice. It sometimes gets very frustating to point that the thought of relinquishing the assignment comes to mind but relinquishing is not answer for anything. ![]() 7/8/00After two years, it feels like nothing. The only thing left to me is study in which I did not showed a good performance either. For me, there is nothing to write in Work Experience entry. I see student working and studying and still have a good grade point average. What is difficult:Working and studying or only studying. I do not know about working and studying but only studying implies an underlying obligation. ![]() 7/29/00 I got a job and am planning to work while studying. Let's see hot it goes? I see many people around me working while studying, so I hope that this job will help me in improving my gardes and privide me the valuable "WORK EXPERIENCE". ![]() 12/18/00 This semester was much better than any other semester so far. Time management was the most critical factor for good grades in this semester. If the factor of time management is taken care of, working and studying is not difficult. Assuming that you will have time for fun, parties and outings is not a realistic while working and studying. My overall experience was as follows: I think that I was able to manage my goals but with one compromise i.e. one low grade in one low grade which was inevitable as I was not able to understand the language of the material. I am not concerned with the grade as I acquired the necessary knowledge from the course and overall I was able to survive the course after flunking the first exam. I am hoping to get better semester grade point average than the earlier one. The biggest lesson was stand for what you think is right and scrutinize yourself on regular basis. ![]() 6/9/01 Spring 2001 was the best semester I had in all semesters so far. I got exactly what I expected out of it. Consequently, my GPA is stabilized, atleast for sometime. I expect to improve CSUS GPA in ther coming semesters but it would be lot harder now. A lot of things needed to be taken care of before I can see improvement in GPA including Senior project. ![]() 4/20/02 This semester was the worst in program so far. I took 12 units including senior project and I was struggling with all classes. I did my senior project in the time span of 3 and half months instaed of one year(Bad planning and wrong decisions). I am sure that my grade in EEE 184 will be low. Grade is not my concern here; I stumbled on too many points in the exam. I did not completed the exam; nor am I sure about my answers in attempted questions. I was envisioning these problems with my senior project but could not aviod them any longer. I hope that it wont effect my overall GPA too severly. I hope that I would perform better in my other two finals. ![]() |