Global Geological Resource Locator
Geological Association And Research Centre
Sedimentology Club

General Information    Academic Qualification    Professional Qualification    Awards 
Affiliation to Professional Bodies    Publications    Current Interests     Extra Curricular Activities 
About Me    How Others Feel On me
General Information

Father’s Name
Address for correspondence
No.371, I Floor, Gandhiadigal Street,
Annanager, Tennur,
Tiruchirapalli – 620 017.
Telephone: 091-0431-791679  cell: 049-0175-6181316 


Religion and Community
Hindu, Nadar (OBC)
Marital status
Married - one daughter
Date of birth
Academic qualification
Year of passing
Tamil Nadu State Board for Secondary Education
Tamil Nadu State Board for Higher Secondary Education
National College, 
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli. 
Annamalai University, Chidambaram.
School of Earth Sciences,
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli.
Alagappa University, Karaikudi
Technical qualification



Year of passing
Dhashin Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha, Madras. 
Typewriting (English-Lower)
Dept.Technical Education, State Government of Tamil Nadu. Madras
Diploma in Computer Applications and Office Automation
Star Software Systems, Tiruchirapalli
Intensive course on German as Foreign Language Speak + Write, Marburg, Germany.

ØPh.D. dissertation submitted to the Bharathidasan University on “Geology, Petrology and Geochemistry of Kallankurichchi Formation (Lower Maestrichtian), Ariyalur Group, Tiruchy district, south India”.
ØM.Sc. dissertation submitted to the Annamalai University on “A brief report on Geology, Mineral Prospecting and Exploration in and around Ariyalur, Tiruchy district, Tamil Nadu.
Professional Training

Organised by
Details of Training
on Basin Modeling
Association of   Exploration  Geophysists and   Centre for Mathematical Modeling and Computer  Simulation 
Advanced training through lectures of subject experts and laboratory practical on Exploration strategies, depositional, digenetic and tectonic processes, numerical and qualitative modeling of basinal processes, computer modeling and simulation
Workshop on  Current Trends in CAD/GIS 
Department of Geology Andhra University. 
CDS/GIS concepts, Training on Map INFO, ARCVIEW, SPAN, EASI/PACE and case studies 
Training on Exploration and mining 
TANCEM Mines, State Government of Tamil Nadu, Ariyalur. 
Hands on training for limestone exploration,  mining methods, environmental management, quality control and analytical methods of rocks and cement. 

Professional Experience

Name of Employer 
Position held
Period of service
Nature of work
First Computers, Tiruchirapalli 
Executive -Administration 
(Part time) 
28.10.91 27.10.94 
Rs.2800/- per month 
Assistance to the    Manager and Director pertaining to daily routines. 
First Computers, Tiruchirapalli 
Manager - Administration
28.10.94 02.11.96 
Maintanance of staff and students,planning and execution of marketing and operations departmental routines, communication and generation of reports.
Indian Institute of Technology 
Research Associate 
07.11.96 28.09.97 
Research assignments, handling practical classes for M.Sc & M.Tech. 
Delta Studies Institute, 
Andhra University
Research Scientist 
Planning and Execution of research Programmes, Maintenance of and co-ordination with the Director on administrative tasks; Project proposal and report writing, publications. 
Department of Geology, National College, Tiruchirapalli
Research Associate
Chemostratighraphic modeling of Cretaceous-Tertiary deposits of the Tiruchirapalli district, South India. Guidance to Masters theses.
IMG, University of Karlsruhe, Germany. Humboldt Fellow 04.03.2001 to 31.10.2002 2560 Euro /month Statistical characterization of Baremian-Danian strata of the Cauvery basin, South India
Expertise in electronic data processing 
Operating Systems      : DOS, WINDOWS'2000

Environments              : LAN, WAN.
Word Editors : WordStar, Vi, Word, Chiwriter
Spreadsheets : Lotus123, Excel
DBMS : dBase
RDBMS : Access
Presentation software: HARVARD GRAPHICS, POWER POINT
Statistical software : STATISTICA, SPSS, STATGRAF
Geological software : SURFER, GEO-EAS,
Others            : Photoshop, Coral Xara
Web authoring: MS-Front Page, Netscape Composer

ØDesigned, developed and maintaining web page for the internet version of the India’s first online geological journal (Quarterly Journal of Geological Association and Research Centre, Published from Madya Pradesh).

ØDesigned, developed and maintaining a home page for geoscientists and geology students.

ØDesigned and maintaining the Internet Sedimentology club homepage.

ØServed as consultant in designing Entrepreneurs Resource Planning (ERP) software, Office automation software and Management Information Systems. Software developed are in use in many medium and small scale offices.

ØAuthored two books on computers targeted towards beginners and middle level learners. These books are being served as text books in five schools (6th to 12th standard) and three colleges (graduation and post graduation) at Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu.

Projects submitted/conducted/in process
Project funded through in-house research programme and KDMIPE, Dehra Dun.

Responsibility: Investigator

Characterisation of deltaic sub-environments through their granulometric, textural, geochemical, mineralogical properties besides magnetic mineral content and magnetic susceptibility. Sanctioned amount Rs.6,75,950/-
Project submitted for funding by Department of Science and Technology, (DST), New Delhi
Responsibility: Principal Investigator
Development of computer information system for environmental recognition for Krishna and Godavari deltas with possible extension to palaeodeltaic regimes.Sanctioned amount: Rs.9,28,000/-
In-house sponsored research programme
Responsibility : Investigator
Computerised Information System for multivariate statistical discrimination and data interpretation module for handling very large database and effective interpretation of geologic, geochemical and mineralogical information of deltaic sub-environments.
In-house sponsored research programme
Responsibility : Investigator
Documentation of environmental baseline data of Krishna Estuary for effluent dissemination and flushing time scales.
In-house sponsored research programme
Responsibility : Investigator
Geomorphic control over land use dynamics and ground water quality in lower deltaic regions

Additional Information
ØResearch experience for more than 10 years. 
ØTeaching assignments handled during doctoral and post doctoral research. 

ØWorked in terrains of Cretaceous-Recent in wide ranging fields of environmental and natural resource management, sedimentology, petrology, geochemistry, geomorphology, geostatistics and computer applications. 

ØAttended  18 national and international seminars and presented  papers. 

ØPublished more than 60 articles in national and  international  magazines. 

ØPrepared project proposals for UGC, DST, DOD, ONGC and INDO-US funding agencies.

ØDesigned a water sampler capable of collecting suspended sediment and water samples from different depths of estuary and shallow shelf, lakes, etc. Processing for filing patent for the same.

Seminars attended/Papers presented

  1. 1991 National seminar on EIA and Indian experiences, Madras University, Chennai.
  2. 1991 Annual convention of Indian Geographers, Government College for Women, Kumbakonam.
  3. 1991 National symposium on Remote sensing of Environment. Anna University, Chennai.
  4. 1992 National seminar on Science and Society, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli.
  5. 1992 National seminar on People’s participation in environmental issues, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli.
  6. 1992 National seminar on Prospecting of Earth Resources, Madras University, Chennai.
  7. 1993 national seminar on Water harvesting, Regional Engineering College, Tiruchirapalli.
  8. 1993 II National Swedeshi Conference, Bharathidasan University, tiruchirapalli.
  9. 1993 International seminar on Strides in Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai.
  10. 1994 National seminar on Recent trends in Earth Sciences Research. Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli.
  11. 1994 XIV Indian colloquium on Micropalaeontology and stratigraphy, Madras University, Chennai.
  12. 1994 National seminar on Applied geochemistry. Madras University, Chennai.
  13. 1995 Annual convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologists, University of Roorkee, Roorkee.
  14. 1995 Annual convention of the Deccan Geographical Society, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli.
  15. 1996 National seminar on Cretaceous Sedimentary Environments, Madras University, Chennai.
  16. 1996 IV National Swadesi Conference, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.
  17. 1997 V National Swadesi Conference, Annamalai University, Chidambaram.
  18. 1998 Annual convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologists, Gauhati University, Gauhati.
  19. 2002 Geo2002, Wuersburg, Germany.
  20. 2002 American Geophysical Union fall meeting, U.S.A.
Fellow - Geological Society of India.<
Member - Indian Association of Geochemists

Honorary Member - Geological Association and Research Centre

Member - American Biographic Society. <

Member - Panel of Reviewers - Visakha Science Jouurnal
Member - Panel of Reviewers - Indian Journal of GGeochemists

Member - Panel of Reviewers – Journal of Geologiccal Society of India

Extra-curricular activities

I was engaged in National Service Scheme during the years 1985-1988.
During while I actively participated in crowd control campaigns during
festive seasons, ecology development camp; hospital service etc.,


1. Prof.D.Chandrasekaram, Department of Earth Sciences, IIT-Bombay, Powai, Mumbai. India.

2. Prof.Dr.Doris Stüben, Institute of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, University of Karlsruhe, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany.

3. Dr.V.Subramanian, Department of Geology, National College, Tiruchirapalli – 620001. India.


I hereby declare that the information presented here are true to my knowledge and belief.




1.Ramkumar, M., 2000 Smart Computing under DOS. II revised edition. TIAL publication. Tiruchirapalli. 142p.
2.Ramkumar, M., 2000 Smart Computing under WINDOWS. TIAL Publication. Tiruchirapalli. 156p.


3.Ramkumar, M., 2000 Suggestions for nourishment of ecosystem maintenance – Comments on action plan for harnessing and utilization of Godavari waters. Consultancy report submitted to the State Government of Andhra Pradesh. 18p.
4.Ramkumar, M., 1999 Petrographic studies on Kesanapalli bore hole core samples. Technical report submitted to ONGC, Krishna-Godavari Project, Rajahmundry. 12p.
5.Ramkumar, M., 1999 Sedimentary microenvironments of Godavari delta – Distribution and morphodynamics. Technical report submitted to the Director (Exploration), ONGC, Dehra Dun. 47p.
6.Ramkumar, M., 1999 Sedimentary microenvironments of Godavari delta – Characterisation and statistical discrimination. Technical report submitted to the Director (Exploration), ONGC, Dehra Dun. 112p.
7.Ramkumar, M., 2002 Statistical characterization of Barremian-Danian strata of the Cauvery basin, south India: Implications on the concepts of sequence stratigraphy, scales of stratigraphic correlation and petroleum exploration.  Technical report submitted to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany. 195p.


8.Ramkumar, M., Berner, Z. and Stüben, D., 2002 Multivariate statistical discrimination of selected carbonate petrographic classifications: Implications on applicability of classification systems and predictability of petrographic types. Geochemistry. v.62. pp.145-159.
9.Ramkumar, M., Stüben, D. and Berner, Z., 2002 Lithostratigraphy, depositional history and sea level changes of the Cauvery basin, South India. Ann.Geol.Penins.Balk. (submitted).
10.Ramkumar, M., Subramanian, V. and Doris Stüben., 2002 Evolution of Gilbert type delta during Upper Cretaceous in the Cauvery basin, south India: Implications on petroleum exploration and reservoir development. Petrol.Geol. (submitted).
11.Stüben, D. and Ramkumar, M., 2002 Development of geochemical cycles in resonance with sea level cycles in the Cauvery basin, India: Implications concept of sequence development and scales of chemostratigraphic correlation. Chem.Geol. (submitted).
12.Stüben, D., Ramkumar, M., and Berner, Z., 2002 Geochemical characterization of depositional units of the Cauvery basin, south India: Part I Occurrence, significance and disparities of geochemical signals. Jour.Sediment.Res. (submitted).
13.Stüben, D., Ramkumar, M., and Berner, Z., 2002 Geochemical characterization of depositional units of the Cauvery basin, south India: Part II Controls on bulk geochemistry and elemental inter-relationships. Jour.Sediment.Res. (submitted).
14.Ramkumar, M., Stüben, D. and Berner, Z., 2002 Geochemical characterization of depositional units of the Cauvery basin, south India: Part III Multivariate statistical discrimination. Jour.Sediment.Res. (submitted).
15.Ramkumar, M., Harting, M. and Stüben, D. 2002 Barium anomaly preceding K/T boundary in Maastrichtian-Danian strata of the Cauvery basin, south India: Plausible causes, Ba-anomalies of K/T sections in Israel, NE-Mexico and Guatemala and implications on end Cretaceous events. Inter.Jour.Earth.Sci. (submitted).
16.Ramkumar, M., 2002 Carbonate diagenesis in Kallankurichchi Formation (Lower Maestrichtian), south Indian Cretaceous sequence. Inter.Jour.Geosci. (submitted).
17.Ramkumar, M., 1999 Lithostratigraphy, depositional history and constraints on sequence stratigraphy of the Kallankurichchi Formation (Maestrichtian), Ariyalur Group, south India. Ann.Geol.Penins.Balk. (in press).
18.Ramkumar, M., Chandrasekaran, V.A. and Navada, S.V., 1996 Isotopic signatures of the Kallankurichchi Formation (Lower Maestrichtian) Ariyalur Group, south India – Insights from O and C data. Ann.Geol.Penins.Balk. v.60. pp.67-81.


19.Ramkumar, M., 2002 Geology, petrology and microfacies of Kallankurichchi Formation (Lower Maestrichtian), Ariyalur Group, south Indian Cretaceous sequence. Jour.Geol. (in press). 
20.Ramkumar, M., 2002 Diagenetic dolomites from the Kallankurichchi Formation (Lower Maestrichtian), Ariyalur Group, Tiruchirapalli Cretaceous sequence, south India. Ind.Jour.Earth.Sci. (in press). 
21.Ramkumar, M., 2002 Progradation of the Godavari delta – A fact or empirical artifice? Insights from coastal landforms. Jour.Geol.Soc.Ind. (in press). 
22.Ramkumar, M., 2002 Dynamics of moderately well mixed tropical estuarine system, Krishna estuary, India: Part III Property-salinity relationships. Ind.Jour.Geochem. (submitted). 
23.Sudha Rani, P., Ramkumar, M.,  and Radhakrishnamurty, I.V., 2002 Magnetic mineral content in deltaic sediments as a potential new tool for studying palaeo shorelines and evolutionary history: A case study from the Godavari delta. Ind.Jour.Geosci. (submitted).
24.Ramkumar, M., Pattabhi Ramayya, M. and Rajani Kumari, V., 2002 Dynamic coastal geomorphic features and shoreline changes in the modern Godavari delta, India. Proc.Ind.Acad.Sci. (submitted). 
25.Ramkumar, M., Rajani Kumari, V., Pattabhi Ramayya, M. and Gandhi, M.S., 2002 Geochemical and sedimentary processes of mangroves of Godavari delta: Implications on estuarine and coastal biological ecosystem. Ind.Jour.Geochem. (submitted). 
26.Ramkumar, M., 2002 Flushing time scales and estuarine mixing in Krishna estuary, India. Ind.Jour.Mar.Sci. (submitted).
27.Ramkumar, M., and Chandrasekaran, V.A., 2002 Elemental ratios of carbonates of Kallankurichchi Formation, Ariyalur Group, south Indian Cretaceous sequence: perspectives on diagenetic environments and processes. Ind.Jour.Geochem. (submitted). 
28.Ramkumar, M., 2002 Sequence stratigraphy – A potential new tool for petroleum exploration and reservoir development strategies. Ind.Jour.Geosci. (submitted).  
29. Shankar, R., Sudha Rani, P., Ramkumar, M. and Radhakrishnamurty, I.V., 2002 Spatio-temporal variations of texture and magnetic susceptibility of sediments in a moderately well mixed tropical estuarine system, Krishna estuary, India. Jour.Geol.Soc.Ind. (submitted).
30. Ramkumar, M., Rajani Kumari, V., Rao, I.M. and Gandhi, M.S., 2002 Dynamics of moderately well mixed tropical estuarine system, Krishna estuary, India: Part IV Spatio-temporal variations in sediment texture and organic carbon. Ind.Jour.Geochem. (submitted).
31. Ramkumar, M. and Chandrasekaran, V.A., 2001 Sedimentary structures of Kallankurichchi Formation (Lower Maestrichtian), south Indian Cretaceous sequence. Jour.Ind.Asson.Sediment. (in press).
32. Ramkumar, M., Rajani Kumari, V., Pattabhi Ramayya, M., Gandhi, M.S., Bhagavan, K.V.S. and Swamy, A.S.R., 2001 Dynamics of moderately well mixed tropical estuarine system, Krishna estuary, India: Part I Spatio-temporal variations of physico-chemical properties. Ind.Jour.Geochem.v.16. pp.61-74.
33. Ramkumar, M., Pattabhi Ramayya, M. and Rajani Kumari, V., 2001 Dynamics of moderately well mixed tropical estuarine system, Krishna estuary, India: Part II Flushing time scales and estuarine mixing. Ind.Jour.Geochem. v.16. pp.75-92.
34. Ramkumar, M., 2001 Sedimentary microenvironments of modern Godavari delta: characterization and statistical discrimination – Towards computer assisted environment recognition scheme. Jour.Geol.Soc.Ind. v.57. pp.49-63.
35. Ramkumar, M. and Guha, A.K., 2000 Multivariate statistical verification of petrographic and standard microfacies types and lithostratigraphy of Tertiary carbonates of western Kutchch, Gujarat, India: Implications on global stratigraphic correlation and hydrocarbon exploration. Ind.Jour.Petrol.Geol. v.9. pp.52-74.
36. Ramkumar, M., 2000 Recent changes in the Kakinada spit, Godavari delta. Jour.Geol. Soc.Ind. v.55. pp.183-188.
37. Ramkumar, M., Rajani Kumari, V. Pattabhi Ramyya, M. and Vivekananda Murty, M., 2000 Geochemical characteristics and depositional conditions of coastal sedimentary environments of the modern Godavari delta. Ind.Jour.Geochem. v. 15. pp.31-44.
38. Ramkumar, M., Sudha Rani, P., Gandhi, M.S., Pattabhi Ramayya, M., Rajani Kumari, V., Bhagavan, K.V.S. and Swamy., 2000 Textural characteristics of coastal sedimentary environments of the modern Godavari delta. Jour.Geol.Soc. Ind. v.56. pp.471-487.
39. Ramkumar, M., Pattabhi Ramayya, M. and Gandhi, M.S., 2000 Beach rock exposures at wave cut terraces of modern Godavari delta: their genesis, diagenesis and indications on coastal submergence and sealevel rise. Ind.Jour.Mar.Sci. v.29. pp.219-223.
40. Ramkumar, M., 2000 Estuarine water and suspended sediment sampling: A new instrument and etiquettes in sampling. Jour.Geol.Asson.Res.Centre. v.8. pp.1-3.
41. Ramkumar, M. and Gandhi, M.S., 2000 Beach rocks in the modern Krishna delta. Jour.Geol.Asson.Res.Centre. v.8. pp.22-34.
42. Rajani Kumari, V. Pattabhi Ramayya, M. and Ramkumar, M., 2000 Physico-chemical quality conditions of ground water in coastal regions of the Krishna delta during summer season. Jour.Geol.Asson.Res.Centre. v.8. pp.61-66.
43. Ramkumar, M. and Vivekananda Murty, M., 2000 Distinction of sedimentary environments of the Godavari delta using geochemical and granulometric data through analysis of variance (ANOVA). Ind.Jour.Geochem. v.15. pp.69-84.
44. Ramkumar, M., 1999 Role of chemostratigraphic technique in reservoir characterisation and global stratigraphic correlation. Ind.Jour.Geochem. v.14. pp.33-45.
45. Ramkumar, M., 1999 Multivariate statistical analysis for deducing controls of carbonate deposition and diagenesis: A case study from south Indian Cretaceous sequence. Ind.Jour.Geochem. v.14. pp.79-95.
46. Ramkumar, M., 1999 Global geological resource locator. Curr.Sci. v.77. pp.1569-1570.
47. Ramkumar, M., Pattabhi Ramayya, M. and Swamy, A.S.R., 1999 Changing landuse/land cover pattern of coastal region: Gautami sector, Godavari delta, India. Visakha Sci.Jour. v.3. pp.11-20.
48. Ramkumar, M. and Pattabhi Ramayya, M., 1999 Low cost water sampler for shallow water bodies. Jour.Geol.Soc.Ind. v.54. pp.93-96.
49. Ramkumar, M., 1999 New coastal landforms in the Gautami Godavari delta: Perspectives on future trend and implications. Jour.Geol.Asson.Res.Centre. v.7. pp.145-156.
50. Ramkumar, M., 1997 Diagenesis in carbonates of the Kallankurichchi Formation, south Indian Cretaceous sequence – Evidences from stable isotopic and petrographic data. Ind.Jour.Geochem.. v.12. pp.29-37.
51. Ramkumar, M., 1997 Plea for National Geological Field Museum. Ind.Asson.Sediment. Newsletters. v.1. pp.2-3.
52. Ramkumar, M., 1997 Ecologic adaptation of Serpula Socialis – A study from south Indian Cretaceous sequence. Jour.Geol.Asson.Res.Centre. v.5. pp.153-158.
53. Ramkumar, M., 1996 Occurrence of hardgrounds in the Kallankurichchi Formation (Lower Maestrichtian), Ariyalur Group, Tiruchirapalli Cretaceous sequence, south India and their significance. Ind.Jour.Petrol.Geol. v.5. 83-97.
54. Ramkumar, M., 1996 Geochemical environments of Kallankurichchi Formation, Ariyalur Group, Tiruchy district, south India. Ind.Jour.Geochem. v.11. pp.15-26.
55. Chandrasekaran, V.A. Ramkumar, M. and Jacob, M., 1996 Sediment deformational structures from the Sillakkudi Formation (Campanian) Ariyalur Group, Tiruchy district, Tamil Nadu. Jour.Ind.Asson.Sediment. v.15. pp.43-49.
56. Ramkumar, M., 1996 Evolution of Cauvery basin and tectonic stabilization of parts of south Indian shield – Insights from structural and sedimentologic data. Jour.Geol.Asson.Res.Centre.Misc.Publn.No.4. pp.1-15.
57. Ramkumar, M., Kamaraj, M., Unnikrishnan, K., Gurunathan, S. and Aravindhan, M., 1996 Influence of deforestation in drought–An analysis. Jour.Geol.Asson.Res Centre. v.4.pp.7-17.
58. Ramkumar, M. and Chandrasekaran, V.A., 1996 Megafauna and environmental conditions of Kallankurichchi Formation (Lower Maestrichtian), Ariyalur Group, Tiruchy district, south India. Jour.Geol.Asson.Res.Centre. v.4(3). pp.38-45.
59. Ramkumar, M., Chandrasekaran, V.A. and Jacob, M., 1996 Late stage meteoric vadose diagenesis in Sillakkudi Formation (Campanian) of Ariyalur Group, Tiruchy district, south India. Jour.Geol.Asson.Res.Centre. v.4(4). pp.43-49.
60. Ramkumar, M., 1996 Porosity types in the Kallankurichchi Formation (Maestrichtian) of Ariyalur Group, Tiruchy district, south India and their indications on depositional and preservational history. IN Cretaceous Sedimentary Environments. Ramasamy, S., (Editor). (in press).
61. Ramkumar, M. and Chandrasekaran, V.A., 1996 Storm events in Cretaceous sea during Maestrichtian – A case of Kallankurichchi Formation, Ariyalur Group, south India. IN Cretaceous Sedimentary Environments. Ramasamy, S., (Editor). (in press).
62. Ramkumar, M., Chandrasekaran, V.A. and Saksena, S., 1995 Ecosystem development in the sedimentary terrain of Tiruchy district, south India. Jour.Geol. Asson.Res.Centre. v.3. pp.12-33.
63. Chandrasekaran, V.A. and Ramkumar, M., 1995 Stratigraphic classification of Ariyalur Group (Upper Cretaceous), Tiruchy district, south India – A review. Jour. Geol.Asson.Res.Centre. Misc.Publn.No.1. pp.1-22.
64. Chandrasekaran, V.A. and Ramkumar, M., 1994 Waste and fallow lands around Ariyalur, Thiruchirapalli district, Tamil Nadu. Jour.Ind.Geogr.Soc. v.69. pp.46-54.
65. Chandrasekaran, V.A., Ramkumar, M., Jacob, M. and Saksena, S., 1993 A preliminary note on the occurrence of Serpula Socialis from the Sillakkudi Formation (Campanian), Ariyalur Group, south India. Jour.Geol.Asson.Res.Centre. v.2.pp.32-36
66. Chandrasekaran, V.A. and Ramkumar, M., 1993 On the occurrence of Planolites from the Kallankurichchi Formation, Upper Cretaceous (Ariyalur Group), Tiruchy district, south India and its palaeoenvironmental significance. Jour.Geol.Asson.Res.Centre.v.2.pp.31-36
67. Chandrasekaran, V.A. and Ramkumar, M., 1991 Environmental impact of limestone mining near Ariyalur, Tiruchirapalli district,India. Jour.Ind.Geogr.Soc.v.66.pp.120-127.


68.Ramkumar, M., Kamaraj, M., Jacob, M. and Sasikala, S., 1993 A study to develop water resources in the sedimentary terrain of Tiruchy district, south India, using remote sensing techniques. Proceedings of the International seminar on Strides in Civil Engineering. pp.SU25-SU31.
69.Ramkumar, M., Sasikala, S., Kamaraj, M. and Jacob, M., 1993 Identification of erosion prone areas in the sedimentary terrain of Tiruchy district, south India using remote sensing techniques. Proceedings of the International seminar on Strides in Civil Engineering. pp.SU85-SU98.


70.Ramkumar, M., Chandrasekaran, V.A., Jacob, M. and Pananeer Selvam, M., 1997 national geological field museum in and around Ariyalur. (Tamil Version). Proceedings of the IV National Swadesi Science Conference. pp.25-28.
71.Ramkumar, M. and Chandrasekaran, V.A., 1997 Ancient cities of Tamil Nadu – A geological view point. (Tamil Version). Proceedings of the IV National Swadesi Science Conference. pp.85-91.
72.Ramkumar, M. and Chandrasekaran, V.A., 1997 Earth quakes and landslides in Tamil Nadu. (Tamil Version). Proceedings of the IV National Swadesi Science Conference. pp.92-98.
73.Ramkumar, M. and Chandrasekaran, V.A., 1994 Geology and environment of Kallankurichchi Formation (Early Maestrichtian) of Ariyalur Group, Tiruchy district, south India. Proceedings of the National seminar on Recent Trends in Earth Sciences Research. pp.16-18.
74.Chandrasekaran, V.A., Ramkumar, M., Riaz, S.A. and Jacob, M., 1993 Ariyalur – A product of sea. (Tamil Version). Proceedings of the II National Swadesi Science Conference. pp.16-22.
75.Chandrasekaran, V.A., Ramkumar, M. and Jacob, M., 1993 Identification of water harvesting locales – A case study in the sedimentary formations of Tiruchy district, south India. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Water Harvesting. pp.268-284.
76.Chandrasekaran, V.A., Ramkumar, M. and Jacob, M., 1992 Forest development in the sedimentary terrain of Tiruchy district, south India. Proceedings of the National Seminar on People’s Participation in Environmental Issues. pp.122-126.
77.Chandrasekaran, V.A. Jacob, M. and Ramkumar, M., 1992 Sattellites and natural resource management. Proceedings of the National Seminar on People’s Participation in Environmental Issues. pp.142-145.
78.Ramkumar, M. and Kamaraj, M., 1992 Mineral resources and social status of Tiruchirapalli district – A comparative study. (Tamil Version). Proceedings of the National Seminar on Science and Society. pp.12-16.


79.Ramkumar, M., 2000 Gas hydrates – a promising future source of energy. The Hindu. (in press).
80.Ramkumar, M., 1995 Is Tamil Nadu seismic prone? Quat.Jour.Tamil University. 
81.Ramkumar, M., 1995 Vanished Kumari continent. Sengamalam. pp.31-34.
82.Ramkumar, M., 1994 Was the Kumari continent drowned under sea? Rani Weekly.
83.Ramkumar, M., 1994 Perambalur – Coastal city? Ariha Ariviyal. v.8(5). pp.37-39.
84.Ramkumar, M., 1994 Landslides. Ariha Ariviyal. v.8(3). pp.14-17.
85.Jacob, M., Kamaraj, M. and Ramkumar, M., 1994 Eucalyptus – A danger that reaches. Ariha Ariviyal. v.8(2). pp.29-31.
86.Ramkumar, M., Kamaraj, M. and Jacob, M., 1994 Water, Water……. Ariha Ariviyal. v.8(1). pp.16-17.
87.Ramkumar, M., 1992 Satellites that save resources. Ariha Ariviyal. v.6. pp.33.
88.Ramkumar, M., 1992 Why the earth quakes are happening? Ariha Ariviyal. v.5. pp.5-8.