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International Information | |||||
International Headquarters: Gamma Phi Beta prospers because of the unselfish service of hundreds of volunteers at the local, province and international levels. In addition, an international organization with more than 105,000 living members requires an office to maintain all records and supplies of the Sorority, as well as to transact daily business. Since the International Headquarters was first established in the mid-1920's, when it was known as Central Office, it has been the support center for services to members, international offices, chapters and provinces. Today the Sorority-owned International Headquarters is located in a Denver suburb. The 20,000 square foot facility includes ample office space for the nearly 20 employees, which serve the needs of a growing and progressive organization. An extensive archival display houses many Sorority treasures and momentos, and temporary sleeping quarters make International Headquarters a convenient and economical site for meetings of International Council, Endowment-Loan Board, Foundation Board of Trustees and committees. The Executive Director oversees all International Headquarters operations. All members are welcome and encouraged to visit International Headquarters when in the vicinity. |
International Headquarters 12737 E. Euclid Drive Englewood, CO 80111 (303)799-1874 (303)799-1876 FAX |
International Philanthropy: The sorority adopted camping as its international philanthropy at the 1929 Convention. Over the years it has evolved into a multifaceted program, now called special camping for girls, that provides the camping experience for girls who are financially deprived, physically impaired, medically disabled, mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed or abused. Service as a Camp Sechelt counselor is a unique opportunity for members to become involved on the International level. It is a rewarding experience for members who are accepted as staff members. To maintain a professional camping level, counselor selection is based on maturity, empathy, willingness to assume responsibility, and ability to accept direction and work well with other staff members. Gamma Phi Beta chapters support local camps through fundraising efforts and supplemental grants awarded by the Foundation. This support often takes the form of camperships, whereby chapters sponsor attendance for one or more girls at a specialized camp. The Gamma Phi Beta Foundation-owned camp at Sechelt, British Columbia (north of Vancouver), is supervised by a local alumnae board. The facility offers an excellent beach site with swimming as the major activity. The paid staff for the well-equipped camp consists of a director, waterfront director and cook. All expenses and a small honorarium are provided for Gamma Phi Beta alumnae and collegians, which serve as counselors. Each counselor supervises eight to ten campers ranging in age from eight to twelve years. The entire staff is involved in program planning and implementation. |
Beta Mu Philanthropy: The Gamma Phi Beta Sorority of Florida State University annually hosts Casino Night, our philanthropy event to benefit the Camp Sechelt. |
Publications: THE CRESCENT THE CRESCENT is Gamma Phi Beta's quarterly magazine. It includes news about Sorority programs and services, chapter activities and individual members. Features address issues of interest to women, Gamma Phi Beta and the Greek system. The initiation fee includes a life subscription to THE CRESCENT for every member of Gamma Phi Beta. THE CRESCENT is mailed to the home address provided by collegians at the time of initiation. |
Services and Programs | |||||
PACE: PACE (Personal and Chapter Enrichment) is designed to offer growth opportunities through sisterhood, servic, education, and social and personal development. PACE programs use chapter, campus, community and international Sorority resources to enrich the lives of all members, and help members and chapters realize their potential. Through PACE Gamma Phi Betas experience ongoing education throughout their collegiate and alumnae years. Collegiate members participate in three PACE programs each month. PACE topics presented during each chapter meeting are a short, informational program about the Sorority, academic and leadership skills, and chapter operations. Longer programs that focus on life and leadership skills such as career preparation, financial planning and women's issues are presented once each month. |
SisterLink: SisterLink is Gamma Phi Beta's career network. It links collegiate and alumnae members for the purpose of sharing career information. Through SisterLink, computer data is available that contains names, addresses and occupations of all Gamma Phi Beta's w ho volunteer to assist other members in their careers. |
TranSISter: The TranSISter service is Gamma Phi Beta's unique network for members who are traveling or moving to a new area. Alumnae volunteers are listed in more than 500 cities worldwide. TranSISters offer suggestions for housing, and provide information about the e local area and nearest alumnae group. Some TranSISters participate in the B&B (Bed and Breakfast) plan, volunteering to provide one night's lodging and breakfast for Gamma Phi Beta's traveling alone. |
Chapter Scholarship Program: Gamma Phi Beta wants every member to feel challenged to continue learning, exploring, creating and growing. The chapter scholarship program is designed to help every member make the most of her talents and develop them to the level of excellence. The goals of the chapter scholarship program are to improve upon the previous year's chapter grade point average and achieve a chapter average above the all-sorority and all-women's averages. The program includes study hours, PACE programs, recognition and motivation, special requirements for members below minimum chapter grade point average requirements, and familiarity with chapter and campus resources. Each member is responsible for her own grade point average and its contribution to chapter goals. |
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