The MSU Chapter of the AAUP met on Tuesday, November 30, 1999, at 4:00 p.m. in Ginger Hall 401B.  Rita Egan, Roland Buck, and Betty Jean Wilso were present.

President Egan reported that Steve Finner from the National AAUP Office will be in Morehead on Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2000,  at 4:15 p.m. to conduct an open forum on the subject of merit pay for MSU faculty and librarians.  Betty Jean will try to reserve the Riggle Room in ADUC and
get cost estimates for refreshments for this forum.  It is hoped that the Executive Council will be able to have lunch with Mr. Finner prior to the forum.

AAUP membership recruitment flyers will be mailed to all MSU faculty and librarians early next semester.

President Egan had received a letter from Ronald Morrison, Chair,Faculty Senate Professional Policies Committee, in response to the AAUP's concerns about the proposed PAc-33, Post-Tenure Review.  The Committee believes that it "...adhered to the AAUP guidelines with
modifications when deemed appropriate."  The discussions that followed the reading of the letter dealt with the lack of uniform faculty evaluation plans across departments, fairness, appeals process, etc.

Rodney Stanley had not povided a treasurer's report; therefore, the Chapter's bank balance was not available.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 18, 2000, at 4:00 p.m. in Ginger Hall 401B.

Respectfully submitted,
Betty Jean Wilson

The MSU Chapter of the AAUP met on Friday, November 5, 1999, at 3:00 p.m.
in Ginger Hall 401B.  Roland Buck, Christi Bruening, Rita Egan, Rodney
Stanley, and Betty Jean Wilson were present.

There were no minutes of the October 1, 1999 meeting to approve.

Old Business:
A web site for the MSU Chapter has been constructed by President Egan.

Two faculty concerns from Dr. Christi Bruening and Dr. John Hennen about salary adjustments for promotions and off-campus course offerings were forwarded to EVPAA Michael Moore, and he has responded.  Both the faculty letters and the EVPAA's responses will be posted on the AAUP's local web page.  Also, a request has been made to have these documents posted on the Faculty Senate web page.  A discussion of the responses followed.

 If the EVPAA is absent from a Faculty Senate meeting, it was suggested that President Egan should summarise AAUP questions and responses for the Senators.

President Egan is planning for a National AAUP representative to make a presentation about merit pay at a local meeting and assist in membership recruitment in late January or early February 2000.

It was reported that the Faculty Senate is still working on PostTenure Review.

Treasurer's Report:

Rodney Stanley is still trying to contact the Chapter's former treasurer who has been off campus due to surgery.  It is believeD that the local chapter has a bank balance of several hundred dollars.

Secretary's Report:

Betty Jean Wilson requested and received over 300 AAUP brochures from the National office and will request mailing labels for MSU faculty and librarians for the planned membership recruitment drive.

New Business:

Several faculty have had sabbatical leave applications rejected over the past few years with the rationale being that the projects will not enhance professional growth or academic programs.  There is a concern that the various levels of MSU committees might be interpreting the guidelines in PAc 17 too narrowly and are not taking into consideration "new or renewed interests."  The Faculty Senate Professional Policies Committee will be contacted for background information over the past ten years.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 30, 1999, at 4:00 p.m.in Ginger Hall 401B.  It is hoped that this new time will allow formore members to attend.

Respectfully submitted,
Betty Jean Wilson, Secretary