The Totally Awesome Life and Times of Anne the Magnificent

You wanted to step into my world for real? Well then here you are! I see you're a hardcore fan of mine, and I salute for such well directed homage.

Well I bet you all already knew that coloring is a pretty fun activity for me. I mean I'm no artist magnifique, but I've got no problem with busting out a coloring book every once in a while. But who would have thought I would go so far to have other people coloring on me?!

Who wants to color. Pooh More Pooh Even More Pooh Yet Even More Pooh

Hey, who's that guy who's got his arms around me? Well I like him pretty much so I guess I'll just enjoy the moment. Thanks for always being there for me, I LUSA :)

Now that I'm back from Spain and my wonderful tan is all but faded completely away, it's back to school for me. But let me tell you what a great time I had there! Living practically on the beach, I got to spend every and any day I wanted laying in the sand while Maureen worked on her "perfect tan." And no Kerrigan, I'm not even gonna start answering your ludicrous questions about the topless women!

With only one more year left before I can say I'm a college graduate (scary isn't it??) I am really gonna have to crack down on this Spanish stuff. It would be a shame to be a Spanish major and not know Spanish afterall.

So I guess you know pretty much what I like already, but I'm sure there are a few topics I haven't touched yet. I seem to have this thing for liking the really long movies. Like Gone With The Wind, that's a personal favorite.

Dan, remember when we watched this together and you just couldn't wait for them to get to the end so they would say the one line you knew? Fancy that, a show that I know the lines to and you don't!

We'll have to see some more good movies this summer and maybe we'll even see some new ones in the theatre.

I don't know how come I can sit through 4 hours of this movie but I fall asleep in 2 seconds watching Star Trek: Insurrection. But I guess you can't really blame the movie, because I was even falling asleep during Monsters Inc. and I liked that movie.

This originally was for a class, but I think it defines me fairly well so let me share with you 50 things that I would like to do in my lifetime:
1. Get married
2. Have children
3. Return to Spain
4. Travel through other parts of Europe
5. See U2 in concert
6. Attend my children’s college graduations
7. Attend my children’s weddings
8. Swim with the dolphins
9. Own a house
10. Pay off a mortgage
11. See the pyramids of Egypt
12. Go to Greece
13. Graduate college
14. Go on a hot air balloon ride
15. Read Don Quixote
16. Read the Bible
17. Go to Disneyland Paris
18. Go to Tokyo Disney
19. Spend a day at a day spa
20. See my 2 best friends get married
21. See the Northern Lights
22. See Halley’s Comet
23. See Phantom of the Opera
24. Go to the Olympics as a spectator
25. Go to Mount Rushmore
26. Get a job when I graduate
27. Learn to pitch in golf
28. Be on Wheel of Fortune with my mom
29. Be on the Price is Right
30. Own a hot tub
31. Learn to French braid
32. Go to an NFL game
33. Go to a World Series game
34. Learn to play Spades
35. Go to a casino
36. Go on a cruise to Alaska
37. Get a pedicure
38. Grow a garden
39. Hold a koala bear
40. Go back to Hawaii
41. Take a helicopter ride over the volcanoes in Hawaii
42. See ancient ruins in Mexico
43. Donate blood
44. Make a web page (ironic, eh?)
45. Learn to juggle
46. Sleep under the stars
47. Star gaze on the beach
48. Learn to play the harp
49. See the Great Wall of China
50. Go to Africa

Now that you know all my hopes and dreams, let's see if you can figure em out from the clues

Well for now, that's all I got, I'm sure by now I'm nicely snuggled into bed and dreaming sweet dreams. Goodnight everybody!