> SiGn My GuEsTbOoK!!!ViEw My GuEsTbOoK!!!!

FROGNOT is a Dallas based Alternative Groove Rock Band.  My oldest brother, Brian Starustka (Bass/Vocals) is a member of this new band and I decided I would give them some help in getting recognized by putting a link to their website on my page.  So, do me a favor and  go there, you can check out photos, sound clips, and band member bios!!!


WeLl, ThIs PaIgE Is StIlL UnDeR CoNsTrUcTiOn, So, GiVe Me SoMe TiMe AnD I WiLl HaVe It Up AnD RuNnInG!!!!!!


ChEcK ThIs PaGe OuT!!

HoW MaNy TiMeS HaVe I GoTtEn SoMe?


ThIs PagE BeLoNgS To My FrIeNd JeNnIfEr, WhO Is Mr. PaULi'S GiRlFrIeNd!!!!

ThIs PaGe BeLoNgS To My FrIeNd ChAd F. (DANTE).....ChEcK It OuT!!!!!


ThIs PaIgE BeLoNgS To My FrIeNd BeAu PaUlI, GiVe It A TrY, EnTeR At OwN RiSk!!!!!!


ThIs PaGe BeLoNgS To My FrIeNd In HoBbS, *Elizabeth*, So ChEcK It OuT!!!!!!

..............Take it as you will..............

My Web Page has some issues right now, so, just keep on checking back and we'll see what happens, if anything....I'll be 21 in 1 month....right on...word...peace out!!