As a senior citizen residing in
California, you can obtain marijuana legally if you have a medical need for it. All that's
required is a note from your doctor verifying that he/she is treating you for a particular
health problem and you can obtain pot from a local cannibas buyers' club like the one
where I get my own stash.
(A caveat: California politicos are
working to nullify the will of the voters with new attacks against legal medical pot. Stay
tuned for further developments.)
Alas, if you live anyplace except
California or Arizona, you must commit a crime to get pot. You'll find dealers on street
corners in ghettos and barrios or hanging around 7-Eleven stores late at night who will
sell you pot at varying prices. However, as a senior citizen you're probably uneasy about
buying pot from shady guys on dark corners, so I offer the following tips to help you
score and get home in one piece.
Wear rubber-soled shoes and
non-restrictive clothing. You may be required to run fast and jump fences and other
obstacles should your deal go sour.
Travel in groups. Nothing so
terrorizes and confuses gangbangers as the sight of a dozen or so senior citizens moving
en masse along the sidewalk with their formidable array of walkers, canes and seeing-eye
If trouble arises, grab your chest
and feign a heart attack. Drop to the ground and demand that somebody call 911. The
attacker will be afraid you'll die on him and he'll end up on Death Row. (Practice a death
rattle, roll your eyes, mutter about tunnels and bright lights to convince him you are
actually in extremis.)
Take only enough money to complete
the deal. No jewelry, watches, credit cards, extra cash. Wear old clothes to appear poor
and avoid being overcharged by resentful, class-conscious pot dealers.
Have a driver keep the motor
running while you transact business with the dealer(s). Your handicapped parking pass will
enable you to park near brightly lit buildings and help you make a speedy exit if pursued.
If all else fails, you can always
grow marijuana in an unused closet and avoid dark corners altogether.