Before rolling a joint, remove the seeds and twigs from your pot. If you burn the seeds, they'll explode and pop onto your shirt and burn holes in it. (A sure way to spot a pot smoker is to look for the tell-tale holes in his/her shirts/ blouses. Some tokers have been sent to prison on this evidence alone.) Twigs are removed to prevent their punching holes in the joint and rendering it unsmokable.

You can clean pot in many ways, One widely used method involves a shoe box lid and some dexterity. (Uncoordinated seniors may want to forgo this method.) Tilt the lid on a 45 degree angle and crumble the pot at the raised end. The shredded pot will stay at the top while the seeds roll to the bottom. The twigs should be picked out of the crumbled pot by hand. Throw away both seeds and twigs unless the seeds are from high-octane pot and you want to plant some in that unused closet.

If you care nothing for cost, you can buy high-grade pot that comes sans seeds and hence requires no cleaning. How people grow seedless marijuana is a closely guarded secret but I know the answer and will share it with you. See Grandpa's Marijuana Handbook for details.