The Fat Rat Contest
Is Your Chihuahua Cute and Tubby?
Ladies and gentlemen, dogs and pups, I am announcing the first annual Fat Rat Contest!! The concept is simple. I want to find the cutest, chubbiest, and most loveable chihuahua on the net! This site is designed to give you the info you need to enter your sweet little (er...big) chihuahua into the contest.
The rules below are simple and designed to make the contest fair. I am not looking for just the fattest or just the cutest or just the most loveable...I'm looking for all three!!
Rules for Contest
- Mail us a picture of your chihuahua along with a short description of why he/she is so loveable. Description should be 50 words or less. (A form for submission will be available via this sight soon).
- Mail should include:
- a picture
- your chihuahua's name
- your name
- your e-mail address
- 50 words or less on why your chihuahua is so loveable
- your city, state, and/or nation (optional)
- where we can find more pictures of your chihuahua on the net (optional)
- Pictures should be fairly small (able to fit easily on most computer screens). We don't want to set any limits, so use your judgement. If any picture is rejected due to size, the sender will be notified so that they can resubmit their big-boned pup.
- We will post the picture, the 50 word description, the dog's name, your name, your e-mail address, your geographic information (if supplied), and one URL where your chihuahua can be found. Any info about your dog or yourself you wish to keep off this site should be included in your e-mail.
- Winners will be decided by three methods
- Votes from visitors. (70%)
- Site moderator analysis of pictures (15%)
- Site moderator analysis of essay(15%)
- The winner will be featured at the top of this page under the title "Fat Rat of the Year", along with the other information included in his/her application excluding the essay. He/she will also have a permenant spot in the "Fat Rat Hall of Fame" as the "1999 Fat Rat of the Year".
- Deadline for applying for the 1999 contest is December 10th.
Remember, the success of this site depends on YOU!! This site will be really lame if we receive no entries and/or no votes. So please, mail us your application and photo today!!! And if you don't have a chi to submit, vote for your favorite now!
Attention Businesses!!
I am looking for prizes for the Fat Rat Contest, but I am just a broke college student. If your business (or just you) can suggest or donate prizes, I would love you forever! In exchange for such consideration, I am willing to offer free banner or ad space on this page. Can you do this for me? If so mail me!
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A few of the cutest rat dog links
In Loving Memory of Chip
Chihuahua Breeder
JIGZ--Commercial Exploitation of Rat Dog's Cuteness
© 1999 swb8947@tntech.edu
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