* Excellent knowledge of various computer languages (Basic, Pascal, Fortran,
C, C++, Java, Visual Basic, Visual C++)
* Knowing DOS, Windows and UNIX
* Strong background in modeling and mathematical computer programming
* Knowledge of various numerical methods of solving different classes
of nonlinear differential equations
* CCD, video and photographic astronomy skills
* Teaching and presentation skills
* Familiarity with Oracle system for running large databases
* Project management skills
* Web page design in HTML
* Knowledge of LATEX
* fluent in Serbo-Croatian and English
Work experience
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 2000 - present
* ADSP-21062 SHARC digital signal processor (DSP) programming in C for
BLAST experiment
* working as a teaching assistant - laboratory demostrator
Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1998 – present
* working as a research assistant on the project “Nonlinear Optics
and Plasma Dynamics”
* making computer simulations of waves passing through nonlinear media,
programming in C++ and Fortran under UNIX
Petnica Science Centre, Valjevo, Yugoslavia, 1995 – present
* working as an assistant in all Astronomy programs, giving lectures to
talented high school students
* working on observational projects (Visual, video and photographic meteor
observations, CCD observations, Total Solar Eclipse 1999 Expedition)
The Serbian Philatelists Union, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1995 – 1998
* technical editor of “Filatelist” magazine, computer design and
making Internet presentations
* working with various Windows applications: MS Office, Quark X
Press, Adobe PhotoShop and Corel Draw
Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Canada, graduate studies - programme in Colaborative Astrophysics programme, 2000-present
Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, graduate studies – programme in Theoretical plasma physics toward Master of Science degree, 1998 – present
Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Project Management course – Primavera Project Planner, January – February, 1999
Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, undergraduate studies in Applied Physics, 1995 – 1998, not finished because of money problems
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, graduated
in astrophysics in 1998
Interests and activities
* Taking part in many astronomical camps
* 14 published papers (see abstracts)
* Presenting papers at 5 international conferences
* Writing a class in C++ for calculations with arbitrary precision
* In 1996 wrote a program “Meteor” in Turbo Pascal which is being used
as a database for storing and processing the data obtained during meteor observations
* Observing meteor showers with Petnica Meteor Group
* CCD astronomy
* Planning expeditions for observing 1999 and 2001 Total Solar Eclipses
* Volunteer work on a few ecological camps (Eko kamp, Backa Topola, Yugoslavia,
1995, 1996, 1997, 1998,1999 and 2000)
* Photography
* Playing computer games
* Reading science fiction
Petnica Meteor Group, 1995 – present (leader of the group since 1997)
RR Trupac, group of people dedicated to ecology, surviving in nature and travelling, 1993 – present (I am one of the founders)
Society of Voluntary Blood Donors, 1993 – present
MENSA, IQ>156 on the Cattell’s scale, 1975 – 2000 – present
Connaught Scholarship, University of Toronto, Canada
2000 – present
Ministry of Science and Technology research scholarship, Republic of Serbia
1998 – 2000
Institute of Physics research scholarship, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1998 – 2000
Ministry of Education undergraduate student scholarship, Republic of Serbia,
1994 – 1998
* Clean driving license
* High energy and motivation
* Excellent problem solving skills
* Non–smoker
C. Barth Netterfield, Department of Astronomy, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Canada
e-mail: cbn@omega.astro.utoronto.ca
Dr Istvan Vince, Belgrade Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
e-mail: ivince@aob.bg.ac.yu
Dr Najdan Aleksic, Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
e-mail: aleksic@phy.bg.ac.yu
Nikola Bozinovic, Head of the Astronomy Department, Petnica Science
Centre, Valjevo, Yugoslavia
e-mail: nikolab@junis.ni.ac.yu, nikolaboz@yahoo.com
Dr Jelena Milogradov Turin, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
e-mail: jelenam@matf.bg.ac.yu
Zoran Stankovic, Serbian Philatelists Union, Sremska 6/ IV, Belgrade,