Welcome to my Homepage
Hello, I'm Christoph Schiessl.
I'm a history student in the Ph.D. program at Wayne State University in Detroit.
I'm originally from Germany, where I attended university until 1998 finishing with a master's degree in history and political science.
I grew up in a city called Ingolstadt. (
Click on the icon below to see some pictures) My alma mater, the Universitaet Eichstaett (Click on the other icon below to see some pictures), is situated in a lovely town right in the heart of Bavaria. It's definitely worth a visit.
After having spent one academic year at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana in 1995/96 I decided to go back and get my Ph.D. in the U.S. That's how I came to Detroit where I'm now concentrating on immigration history, modern American history, early American history, and archival administration.
Curriculum Vitae
National Archives
in Washington D.C.
National Archives of Canada

Michigan State Archives

Detroit Public Library
-- Burton Historical Collection
Bentley Historical Library
in Ann Arbor
Reuther Library
-- Wayne State archives, especially devoted to labor unions


Michigan Historical Museum

Henry Ford Museum

Holocaust Memorial Center

Germany and Bavaria:

-- national archives of Germany
Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte
-- exhibitions on Bavarian history
Please send all questions and comments to af5556@wayne.edu
Last updated 03/22/2002