Careful: My brain's
still under construction

Site Map:
For those of you who want to see it all at once.
Help support a poor college student in need!!
See the ad at the top of this page, and on 5 of the others? Well, every time
each one of those is loaded by you, I get $.0075! That doesn't seem like
much, but with several thousand people, that really ads up.
My plea:
Just come back and see me! You don't have to click the ads, just come back
here! I add things often, and you'd be helping out a
student with no income. It's just that easy!
Thanks for making this place such a success, guys, and don't forget to
mail me, or sign the
Now you should:
Check out my
entries! Meet some Wonderful, beautiful people who, JUST LIKE YOU, stumbled
across my page for no good reason whatsoever!
Aww, come on, send me
mail or
sign my guestbook! Make a poor soul's day a bit
brighter and tell him what you REALLY thought of his page...!
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since last time this counter was reset! Don't you feel
special knowing that you're the ONLY visitor with that number?