Zac and Beth's Page.

Beth, Born on November 11 1995, so she just had her 6th B-day she was happy about it, like always, Cute Kid, happy go-lucky, cute as a button, oh said that already, oh well she is. :)

  • Update: Beth has started school this year, Real school, not that flaky pre-school stuff, the real deal Kindergarden. She is really enjoying it and is getting the hang of that whole learning thing.

    Zac, Born on December 1 1999, getting ready for this one's B-day, and oh is he cute, my-my, everyone says he looks like me, but i guess being his dad i don't really see it, hmmm what else, oh yea he's a little sh!t, I guess just like his dad. :)

  • Update: Well Zac is now 2 years old and very much a little sh!t. More so then his dad. Well i like to think that anyway :), he is getting the whole talking thing down. Walking was to easy, climbing was a cinch....hell raiser comes to mind when his name pops into my head, good kid, just a little on the adventurous side. He is fun to have around though :)

    uno gato(one cat), named Sammy, Simese(sp?), likes to lay around and do general cat things, your guess is as good as mine as to what that is.
    1 Dog now, a little(i'm talking tiny here) Black Pomeranian, named Shadow. or dumbass and anything condusive to meaning retarded dog. Good dog just a little on the slow side. The pets are pretty good, they fight and argue and Zac stompes on them and tries to make them do what he wants. They don't really care for that but have no real choice in the matter. :)

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