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You have just entered the
suburbs of Kirstin's mind....

Continue at your own risk!!!
I assure you the risk IS worth it.

Congratulations for taking the initiative and plunging into my home page.

You have just taken one small step for yourself and a gigantic step for mankind and I hope you enjoy what is to follow. I know I have enjoyed putting it together, and even though it may not be as impressive as some pages - I am proud of it and proud to be proud of that precise fact!!


bullet.gif (995 bytes) AN ICKLE BIT ABOUT ME
bullet.gif (995 bytes) ART/CHARACTERS
bullet.gif (995 bytes) FRIENDS
bullet.gif (995 bytes) POEMS

bullet.gif (995 bytes) FACIAL HAIR PARTY
bullet.gif (995 bytes) NEW YEAR 1998/1999
bullet.gif (995 bytes) HALLOWEEN PARTY - OCTOBER 1998

E-Mail me here with your comments, suggestions, criticisms and jokes - or whatever you darn well please!!


TOTALLY COOL person to visit my home page!

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