My roommate Misty and I get "duded" up to attend a Clay Walker concert. Ok, I hate country and I don't own these cowgirl jeans (they're borrowed). I did it for the "Texas experience."
Some of my best friends the last 4 years...Kevin and Keith Nelson. (Yes, they're twins!)
At my apartment:
And at chapel:
This ceremony marks the end of the year for the student government. I served as a Senior Class Senator for the '98-'99 school year.
My good friend Melanie Fitzgerald, whom I refer to as "Melfitz," and I share memories at our last Senate meeting.
Here is a grouping of all the SENIORS '99 that served on Senate this year.
Misty and I have an adopted grandfather at ACU, "Doc" Churchill. He calls us his "girls." We love you, Doc!
Julie Mavity and I have known each other for a while. We were roomies in summer '97 as we toured Europe. She's an incredible tennis player for ACU and has gone to nationals several times.
I'm sitting on this table as a visual aid for my Senior Honors Project...maybe you don't want to know.
These are 5 seniors that are ready to graduate! Right, Randy, Grant, Blair, Wes, and oh you in the middle-Kevin?