松山茂生 - 08/22/00 12:05:58 My Email:shigeomatuyama@livedoor.com Your favorite actor or actress: 登山 | Comments: すごいね!こんなに凝ったホームページを作っているなんて知らなかった。それから、あっちこっちに語学研修に行っているんだね。 また今度会ったらゆっくりと話そう。それじゃ、バイバイ。 |
Ernie Hognason - 04/07/00 08:51:44 My URL:http://yaman.com My Email:a@bcd.gr.jp Your favorite actor or actress: Katharine Hepburn | Comments: You remember me. I've met you several times on the Chat. |
Diana - 02/06/00 18:10:04 My Email:dianam17@hotmail.com | Comments: Tats, Where are you? Leelo and I miss you very much! Diana |
はお・ちゃん - 11/21/99 13:07:03 My URL:http://www.wakatakeya.com My Email:hao-chang@wakatakeya.com Your favorite actor or actress: 仕事 | Comments: たつやは元気でやってるだろうか、と心配している なんて人間は一人もいないだろう。タツはどこでで も生きて行けるタフな男だ。正月に田主丸に帰って 来たら、あねまりあと一緒に飲もうな。 |
hideo - 11/13/99 21:28:26 My Email:w239e@unb.ca | Comments: how are you doing? it is snowing today. well take care |
gary - 07/31/99 17:53:41 My Email:yunlin25@yahoo.com | Comments: Hi Tats: How are you doing? Haven't hear from you since you left Canada. What are you doing now? Please send some message to me. |
Hao Chang - 05/27/99 09:58:18 My URL:http://www.wakatakeya.com My Email:hao-chang@wakatakeya.com Your favorite actor or actress: Darts | Comments: Isaw your homepage. 初めまして(ですよね?)、若竹屋のハオ・チャンです。 僕のサイトの酒プレゼントにアクセスありがとう! 観光協会の上野さんに聞きましたよ。いやあ、おかしいとは思ったんだ、彼はまだメールアドレス持ってないはずなのに…こんど是非お会いしましょう!ぶどう祭り(ヘスター招聘)の実行委員になって欲しい、という話が出てます。 ところで、このページをリンクさせてもらってもいいですか?田主丸の変人コーナーを作ろうかと思ってるんですが…ということで、ではまた。 |
Shaheed - 03/23/99 14:55:58 My Email:Shaheed@unb.ca | Comments: Hi Tats: I sent you an e-mail, but you have not replied. Please contact me by e-mail when you have the time. |
Gary - 02/06/99 22:14:27 | Comments: Tats: Where are you now? |
菊池さん - 12/14/98 07:53:55 My URL:http://village.infoweb.ne.jp/~tkiku/ My Email:tkiku@mb.infoweb.ne.jp | Comments: こんにちは。楢崎さん。横浜の「菊池さん」です。 私の息子も南イリノイ大の5年生です。 スノーボードのHPを開いてます。 http://www.geocities.co.jp/Colosseum-Acropolis/2432/rsmainframe.html |
kaikai - 12/11/98 02:00:35 My URL:http://www.geocities.co.jp/HeartLand-Namiki/8208 My Email:kaikain@geocities.co.jp | Comments: I am sorry! I wrote my comment in Japanese. |
かいかい - 12/11/98 01:57:57 My URL:http://www.geocities.co.jp/HeartLand-Namiki/8208 My Email:kaikain@geocities.co.jp Your favorite actor or actress: 海外旅行! | Comments: オーロラの表紙の、かいかいです。遊びに来ました。 あちこちの国にお友達がいて、いいですね。 写真、とても楽しかったです。ふつうの観光写真と違って、その国の友達が写っているのが、とてもいいです。 エストニアなんて初めてで、思わず地図を見てしまいました。 就職活動、がんばってくださいね。それだけ語学ができれば、どこかあるのではと思うのは素人考えなのでしょうか・・・。 |
Gary - 12/08/98 05:39:28 My URL:http://www.twmen.com/ | Comments: Please visit my page! A lot of fun! |
Gary Lin - 11/25/98 06:12:15 My Email:yunlin25@yahoo.com Your favorite actor or actress: Kick Tats' butt | Comments: Well, what can I say. I can't believe even "YOU" got a homepage. I guess you improve a lot in the past 2 years. I am happy for you. Well, I hope next summer I'll finish my page. Lin |
Y.Nob - 11/24/98 01:17:43 My Email:nob@kurume.ktarn.or.jp Your favorite actor or actress: fishing(but female only)=just joke | Comments: Your HP grows better and better! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
Manuel Santos - 09/23/98 19:15:03 My Email:probst@arquired.es | Comments: Nice pages, congratulations!! I'll try to make mine soon. |
Desiree - 08/05/98 23:34:49 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Salima_/index.html My Email:desireeaf@kricket.net | Comments: nice homepage and the cottage is cute. my nephew is in the Marines in Fuji. A few weeks ago they had a festival there and he was in a white water rafting contest.His team won and they put it in the paper and tv.Do you know of anywhere's on the net i could find it...thanks |
kazuyo - 07/02/98 03:34:27 My Email:kazuyo@kurumme.ktarn.or.jp Your favorite actor or actress: kusatoei | Comments: hayaku kaettutekoi |
Ishibashi - 06/10/98 23:14:13 My URL:http://www.sam.hi-ho.ne.jp/~bashy My Email:bashy@sam.hi-ho.ne.jp Your favorite actor or actress: swimming,etc | Comments: Hi,Tatsuya! Do you remember me? Long time no see. |
Hiroe-chan - 06/08/98 23:42:56 My URL:http://geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/7007 My Email:e4ha@unb.ca Your favorite actor or actress: Are you really asking my hobby?! | Comments: Don't you have a better picture of us? Except your Japanese friends' picture, it's a nice home page. |
Hiroe-chan - 06/08/98 23:39:36 My URL:http://geocities.com/HotSpaings/Spa/7007 My Email:e4ha@unb.ca Your favorite actor or actress: Are you really asking my hobby?! | Comments: Don't you have a better picture of us? Except your Japanese friends' picture,it's a nice home page. |
Daniel Berry - 04/28/98 00:33:48 My URL:http://www.mobynet.com/~dberry My Email:dberry@mobynet.com Your favorite actor or actress: music | Comments: hello there, Tats. Did you wish to add my page to your friends' links? See yea! |
satomi berry - 03/12/98 20:51:43 My URL:http://www.mobynet.com/~dberry My Email:dberry@mobynet.com Your favorite actor or actress: watching movies | Comments: Tatt-chan no home page wa omoshirokatta" bai".mata Nihon de aowne.? |
Daniel Berry - 03/07/98 04:07:17 My URL:http://www.mobynet.com/~dberry My Email:dberry@mobynet.com Your favorite actor or actress: Irish stuff | Comments: Great site Tats! Come on over and visit mine when you have the time. Gambadimasu |
shunpei - 02/14/98 12:50:49 My Email:rintarou@kurume.ktarn.or.jp Your favorite actor or actress: na si | Comments: nan yanen ano Cuty-Honey wa. |
aaron walton - 01/17/98 04:03:06 My Email:e66v Your favorite actor or actress: sleeping | Comments: on the page beside here the narrow page you don't say clearly how many Japanese are here also you spend too much time frigin' around on this thing also you should put in a back to start or back to homepage icon in. |
tats - 01/10/98 07:00:17 | Comments: test dayonnnn |