Warning!!! Don't Trust Anybody!!

For those who used to come here, you saw that I once had a pretty good collection of CD's.
Well, thanks to my former crackhead roomates and former relatives
Patricia Lynn Arnold-Jordan and Ralph Gerald Jordan,

I no longer have them. You see, they decided that even though Ralph is a brick mason and makes killer bucks, they needed to pawn all of my cd's, sword, stereo, tapes, and TV in order to smoke a little bit of crack while I was in the hospital. I had thought that Lynn was my best friend, but I guess you never really know people. So my message is this: DON'T TRUST ANYBODY!!!

To see what I Used to own, go Here. I have re-purchased many of these, and have added lots of new ones...I just haven't felt like going thru and typing it all out again...it'll just give you an idea of what kinda stuff I will subject my ears to. *wink*