My Southern Baptist/ Mickey Mouse Page!
Hello! This is where I get to give my opinion on the "Disney Boycott." If you get offended, sorry, but I enjoy speaking my mind. Some of you know that already.
What is the deal with Mickey Mouse? I mean, I realize that Disney does have "Gay Day" and all of that, but who are we to call for a boycott? If I don't want to see a Disney movie, I won't watch it, but I darn sure won't tell someone else that they shouldn't. Honestly, I have no desire to see The road to El Dorado or any of the other Disney 'toons that have came out in the last few years, but you will have a hard time keeping me away from Winnie the Pooh, by God!!!
Sorry, I do tend to ramble. Anyway, back to the homo subject. I am not gay, by any means, but I do have friends who are and they are quite human. If Disney has "gay day" so what? Don't they have Christian Day too? Do Christians deserve more attention? The scary thing to me is that when you boycott because you disagree with a persons right to believe what they wish, you are opening up your own beliefs for attack. I go to a Southern Baptist College and I know a couple of gay students here, and a lot of straight students who think this boycott is a crock of...well, a crock.
I have a caustic sense of humor sometimes and it gets me into trouble often. This week at my school, when asked if I'll be attending different Baptist Campus Ministry events, My reply has been: "I'm sorry. I work for Disney and we are boycotting Baptist events." This has been taken differently by different people.
I really don't want to offend people, especially my peers, but I must speak what I feel. I refuse to let some guy tell me: "The Lord-uh hates-uh Disney-uh. Disney has become like Sodom-uh. We must turn away from the rampant homosexuals-uh and the LiberalMedia (one word).Praise Jaysus-uh." I just can't understand the hatred that many Christians have towards homosexuals. Don't get me wrong, I can understand that to Christians the act of homosexuality is a sin. But so is pre-marital s-ex for hetrosexuals, lying, and gossip. There are a lot of people who will bash a "fag" in a second and feel justified, but see nothing wrong with lying or racism. If that is your case, I hope I do get you angry. The whole world laugs at Christianity because of people like you.
If you have a comment, please e-mail me. I really want to know how you feel about the boycott, or anything else I've written. C-YA!!! To quote one of my favorite lyrics at the moment, from the song "6 Underground" by the Sneaker Pimps: "Don't think 'cos I understand, I care...Don't think cause I'm talking, we're friends...." I like that. Kinda cold though! :)
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