My Home Away From Home © 2000
Hello, welcome to my webpage! So maybe this page isn't as popular as gunracks in pickup trucks here in the South (Jest so ye know, ain't nary thang wrong wit dat), or Britney Spears to 12 year old girls (and 40 year old men), but hey, you're here, and who is better than you are? (a little brown-nosing never hurt anyone!)
This is just a place for me to talk about things that are important to me. (smile)
UPDATE: I had a Proximal Gastric Bypass performed on September 13th, 2000 and Have already lost over Three Hundred pounds!! (and I didn't do it by eating subway like some people did *yeah, right...wank wank wank*). To see my new Gastric BP website, click Here.
I am a student at Anderson College in Anderson South Carolina who loves Music, Psychology/Sociology, reading, and Body Piercing...ooooh yeah....My favorite groups are The Doors, Marilyn Manson ,GodSmack, Disturbed, Alice In Chains, Rammstein, Nine Inch Nails, and Bob Marley .
One of my favorite pastimes is listening to music and giving my opinion on it. I have recieved some flak for this, but I WILL NOT BE SILENT!!
See My Music/Book Reviews!!See My Music/Book Reviews!!
I will list some of my favorite places on the www. I hope you check them out. Also, If you have no life, like myself, leave them a message and let them know that they are linked from this page. Thanks!!My Favorite Links!!
MY LIST OF CD'S AND TRACK LISTINGS...Edited!! Stolen!! Click Me!!!
My Spiritual Beliefs!! What in the world does that Dionysis boy believe in, anyway?
Essays that I've written in College.Darwin Awards:Darwin Awards are (by definition) granted posthumously. This citation is bestowed upon (the remains of) that individual, who through single-minded self-sacrifice, has done the most to remove undesirable elements from the human gene pool.
To see my opinion on the SBC Boycott of Disney, click HERE
To see pictures of me and friends, click here.
Links to other sites on the Web
Kurt Vonnegut Website
Online Tarot Reading
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