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Gangsta Bitch Barbie
Choosy Mom Records, © 1998
Recorded at: Briggs Brothers Studios, Needham, MA
Produced and Mixed By: Jim Foster
Engineered By: Jim Foster, Shawn Briggs
Mastered By: Jim Foster
Cover Design and Layout:  Josh Guzzetti
Back Cover Artwork: Joe Shea
Photography:  Fillipe
Additional Info:
Self-titled debut was recorded and mixed over a 2 week period in the Summer of '97 at a small studio in Needham, Massachusetts.  Only 500 copies were made and were sold out soon after.  The proceeds from "Gangsta Bitch Barbie" went into the recording of "This is Not a Test" six months later.

Click here to order This Is Not A Test
This Is Not A Test
Choosy Mom Records, © 1998
Recorded at: Briggs, Bros., Needham, MA
Produced and Mixed By: Jim Foster
Engineered By: Jim Foster
Mastered By: Jim Foster,  Shawn Briggs
Artwork: Joe Shea, Mike Fitzgerald, Juliet Blackwell
Design and Layout: Juliet Blackwell
Additional Info:
"This Is Not A Test" was recorded and mixed over a 2 week period in the Spring of '98 at the same small studio in Needham, Massachusetts.  GBB set down two rules before beginning: spend no more than 2 takes on any song, and keep the vocals as in-your-face as possible.  The only exception to this is the drum loop and sample heavy remix of "Kingpin" which wraps the album (not listed in the jacket).  The result is a fusillade of songs with a bad attitude and an axe to grind.