Whilst reading a couple of books by Jessica Zafra in 1998, I realized that there was no website about this interesting woman (at the time this web site was made!). Anyone who has ever come across her articles will surely like her in an instant, especially if you are part of (what the oldies call) GenX.This website is made not exactly to adore her or to praise her uncanny wit. Ergo, this was made for the world to see what Filipino GenXers (although this term would sometimes connote negative meanings) could really do if given the chance. I am not one who personally know her, so I got all these info from her published works. No infringements of copyright intended, I just wanted to show people the person behind the genius work, as well as the work itself.
Sample her style by reading some of my favorite articles she has written, especially if you haven't heard of her yet (in which case I presume we are not from the same country). Learn a few things about her and about me as well.
But be warned, if you haven't heard the word irony or humor before, don't dare enter this domain! I don't want to hear anyone protesting about the content of this website...but don't say I didn't warn you either.
What's New: Check out the quizlet, the search engine (search my web site), and updated articles.
And now a word of wisdom: "The uglier the guy, the greater the probability that he thinks he's God's gift to women."
--Jessica Zafra, Chicken Pox for the Soul, 1997
Now online: articles from Today and Twisted 3!