Milisav - 04/13/99 21:50:30 My URL: My Your favorite Colour: blood red Your Favorite Hour of a Day: any time a non-serb is dying Your Favorite Kind of Music: Albanian Screams Which is the Best movie you have ever seen?: The ones of our glorious forces burning the sub-human's homes | Comments: Hi, saw your "stop NATO" page. It was great! It's good that the Serb peoples finally see that the sub-humans and their american allies must be killed! Long live Serbia!!!! Here's a picture of some dead Albanians to cheer your day:
Milisav - 04/13/99 21:48:40 My URL: My Your favorite Colour: blood red Your Favorite Hour of a Day: any time a non-serb is dying Your Favorite Kind of Music: Albanian Screams Which is the Best movie you have ever seen?: The ones of our glorious forces burning the sub-human's homes | Comments: Hi, saw your "stop NATO" page. It was great! It's good that the Serb peoples finally see that the sub-humans and their american allies must be killed! Long live Serbia!!!! Here's a picture of some dead Albanians to cheer your day:
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing Thanks
TAKIS - 10/05/98 11:17:08 Age (optional): 20 Your favorite Colour: BLACK san to koraki Your Favorite Hour of a Day: All night hours ! Your Favorite Kind of Music: You don`t want to know. Which is the Best movie you have ever seen?: The one i haven`t seen yet. What is your sign?: Merfy | Comments: Einai ora na matheis oti exeis kai mia selida sto diktyo kai prepei pote-pote na tin frontizeis... Perimeno to tavli apo tin epoxi tou Darvinou kai eimai sigouros oti kai to skaki tha erthei mazi me tin eisvoli ton ALIENS... Akoma , na doume pote tha varetheis to tragoudi ton pink-floyd... Auta , ante gia na min akouseis ta upoloipa Comments... |
Atoll - 10/04/98 17:29:40 My URL: My Age (optional): 25 Your favorite Colour: Royal Blue Your Favorite Hour of a Day: midnight Your Favorite Kind of Music: Greek Rock Which is the Best movie you have ever seen?: Great Excpectetions What is your sign?: cancer | Comments: Well ... I wouldn't say that your HomePage is any worst than ours ... It's just that you don't "treat" her like we do... Great job ... keep it up ;) |
ενας ξαδελφος σου - 06/07/98 22:09:20 Age (optional): 20 Your favorite Colour: μπλου Your Favorite Hour of a Day: 00:00 Your Favorite Kind of Music: μακης Which is the Best movie you have ever seen?: godzilla vs king kong What is your sign?: tauro | Comments: πολυ καλη σελιδα συνεχισε την ! αμ ντον |
Diamantis the only - 10/14/97 11:27:42 Age (optional): 19 Your favorite Colour: Dark green Your Favorite Hour of a Day: Sleeping hour Your Favorite Kind of Music: Drum'n'bass Which is the Best movie you have ever seen?: It What is your sign?: THE ONLY | Comments: Very good work ! As a matter of fact,excellent work ! Keep creating ! P.S.:Get rid of Pink Floyd,please !It's not a request.IT'S AN ORDER !!! |
Stella - 10/08/97 16:05:12 My Age (optional): optional ??????? Your favorite Colour: white Your Favorite Hour of a Day: 20:02 Your Favorite Kind of Music: Rock Which is the Best movie you have ever seen?: I haven't seen it yet What is your sign?: Leo | Comments: Κύριε Διευθυντά μου Θα ήθελα αν δεν σας κάνει πολύ κόπο να με πληροφορήσεται πότε αρχίζουν τα γυρίσματα της ενδιαφέρουσας (????) ταινίας που κατά καιρούς συζητάμε Μάλιστα όπως θα γνωρίζεται ενδιαφέρομαι ιδιαίτερα για την πρώτη ταινία , για την οποία έχω κάποιες ιδέες που θα ήθελα να μοιραστώ μαζί σας Μετά τιμής Στέλλα ΥΓ : Μήπως εδώ θα έπρεπε να σχολιάσω την συγκεκριμένη σελίδα ?? ( όχι ) |
- 09/09/97 20:20:13 | Comments: Nice try..... A Friend |
- 12/09/97 20:18:45 | Comments: Hey, that's good for a start! Go on...! |