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Here's some stuff that maybe is interesting....maybe not.

Or as some of us say...mabey.

This is the page of my good friend Chris Lesher. Some people say I have too much time on my hands. Some people should take a good look at themselves. Or them's web page.

My friend Jessi Baxter doesn't have a web page yet, but if I leave her out she'll have one of her fits and nobody wants that. ;-D Since she has no web page to call her own, here's a link to her school, UCA.

Since we're on the subject of schools, here's where I go to school. And here's the web page for the Honors Program at ASU. Pretty nifty web page, huh? That's because I made it...all by my self...well, Matt, he helped a little, but mostly it was me! ;-D

My friend Amy Austin who just got married and my friend Shaila Dailey who's going to marry  Kevin Creekmore, both have web pages.

I don't think my other newly married friends Christy and Joe Ison have a web page yet, they're too busy doing, you know...other stuff. But when they have it, it'll probably be here.

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